Miniature Binocular Iconography. Fernglas Bildniskunde. Jumelles Iconographie. Бинокли Петербург. . 双眼鏡 ブランド。 関連付けられているイメージ。 Iconografía Prismáticos. Iconografia dei Binocoli in Miniatura. |
Mercury was the mythical Roman god of financial gain, trickery and thieves [sounds like the god of politicians?] and of travelers, and was a messenger of the gods and a guide for the recently dead. |
Venus was the mythical Roman goddess of love and beauty |
Hercules was the Roman name for the Greek divine hero and adventurer Heracles. |
Apollo was the mythical Greek god of the sun, of music, poetry, oracles, medicine, knowledge, and plague. |
Lucifer was name given by the King James bible rendition of the Hebrew word for morning star, popularly interpreted as fallen star, or Satan. In Latin it is alternately interpreted as bearer of light. |
Luna was a mythological Roman goddess, the embodiment of the moon |
Pallas was a primordial Greek entity of war, variously said to be Athena’s . father, sister, war companion, or war opponent, whom she kills by accident but whose name she resurrects by becoming Pallas Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom, law, civilization, the arts, patron god of Athens, and goddess of war. |
Atlas was the mythological primordial Greek Titan who held up the world. Note the “globe” in the binocular logo. |
Vesper was the Roman version of the Greek mythological entity Hesperus, representing the “evening star” (the planet Venus). |
Mt. Fuji is the iconic Japanese stratovolcano, and is probably the most recognizable mountain image in the world. |
Antares is a red supergiant star in the Milky Way Galaxy. |
Lupinus or Lupines bring drama to the garden, and death to livestock when mixed in their feed by mistake. |
Swans are among the largest and most elegant flying birds. Note the purple cord on the binoculars. It is said that in Japan, purple symbolized royalty, spirituality, nobility, wisdom and enlightenment. Also arrogance. |
The optical phenomenon of the Fata Morgana has confounded mankind on the oceans and in the deserts of the world. |
Baby Hercules killing a snake. |
Adult Hercules killing a Centaur. |
Kestrels are small but effective… Just like these miniature binoculars. |
The god Apollo with simpering sycophants. |
Combat (Vietnam) |
OK...I admit I cheated just a bit on the third binocular using photoshop to make it fit the story behind the interesting photo. Petro Dorando of Italy was first across the finish line at the 1908 Olympics Marathon, but was later disqualified for having received assistance when people picked him up several times when he collapsed, and also turned him around when he started running in the wrong direction. |
Golden Gate bridge, San Francisco, California, USA |
Markings on Miniature Binoculars : How Is It Done? Miniatur Fernglas Markierungen. Wie wird es gemacht? Jumelles Miniature Marquages. Comment est-il fait? Миниатюрные бинокли маркировки. Как это сделать? 小型双眼鏡 マーキングします。 方法は'それをどのように実行されていますか? Prismáticos en Miniatura Marcas. ¿Cómo se hace? Marcature dei Binocolo in Miniatura: Come Viene Fatto? |
A normal and common post 1940’s way to mark binoculars is to use a rotary engraver. A spinning burr or mill cuts the markings, and a geometric arms transfers the cuts to the part by tracing from a master template. This has the enormous flexibility of changing markings by nothing more than changing the template. There are larger rotary burrs with that leavt rotary marks easy to spot, and very small ones only detectable with an eye loup. Contrasting paint is normally wiped into the cuts. Because the paint is in the marking cut, it is quite durable. A disadvantage to rotary engraving is being limited to line marked letters or logos. A common 1980’s and later binoculars marking method is surface silk screen printing. Advantages are that it is cheaper, faster, and as a print process lends itself to non line graphics and multi color designs. A disadvantage is that it is a surface paint marking, with potential durability and adhesion issues, particularly on chrome plate as used on miniature pattern prism covers. The silk screen paint marking is often partly missing on used binoculars. |
Rotary engraved markings on binoculars |
Rotary engraving machine |
All non binocular photographs are believed public domain |
Silk Screen printing (Paint applied to surface) |
Japanese External Reverse Porro Prism Binoculars. On Line MUSEUM |
Miniature Binoculars, Jumelles Miniatures, Miniatur-Ferngläser |
ミニチュア双眼鏡 миниатюрные бинокли |
Hyperion was a mythological primordial Greek Titan and god of Light |
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