One of the aspects that is appealing about these binoculars is the seemingly endless variety of fanciful brand names. It is a fun exercise (and insight into marketing strategy) to group some according to their themes. |
Most Imperial Majesty (UK Market) King, Queen, Regent, Prinz, Imperial, Empire, Colonial, Windsor, Royal, Royal Mini, Crown, Royal Crystal, Viscount, Regency, Le Gran |
Down to the Sea... Admiral, Ensign, Korvette, Mayflower, Schooner, Sailor, Commodore, Captain, Ocean, Sea Mar |
Behold the Cosmos & Heavens Aurora, Galaxy, Comet, Constellation, Orion, Cosmica, Jupiter, Luna, Polaris, Silver Star, Starlit, Star–lite, Stellar, Celestron, Cosmos, Venus, Galaxie, Star, Universe, Antares, Zenith, Pollux, Omega, Pallas, Astron, Pollux |
Beasts & Birds Eagle, Falcon, Swan, Wolf, Vixen, Tiger, Swallow, Hippos, Heron, Kestrel, Condor, Robin, Sparrow |
Just So Swanky Elite, Glory Super, Prestige, Aristo, Deluxe, Ideal, Super, Fortuna, Silver World’s Finest, Champion, Patrician |
Flowers, Fruits, Plants Lupinus, Plum, Clover, Iris |
German Sounding Carl Wetzler, Carl Henrich, Jana, Jana Deluxe, Berlin, Frankfort, Karl Weiz, Karl Siez, Carl Seitz, Hans Weiss, Carl Dietz, Edelstahl, Esde Optik, Wetzler, Karl Stein, Karl Luzen, |
Optical Phenomena Fata Morgana, Mirage, Rainbow, Aurora, Skybolt |
Size Counts Pigmy, Petite, Midget, Mini, Jr, Bantam, Micro, Micro Executive |
Greece & Egypt Delta, Omega, Olympic, Luxor, Olympia, Alpha |
Lure of Gold Gold Crest, Gold Cup, Gold Star, Golden Lichter, Golden Bantam, Golden Gate |
Most photos public domain Some photos Mark Ohno |
Sun & Moon Sun Scope, Halina, Luna, Sunny, Rising Sun, Sunrise, Solus, Dawn. Solar Deluxe, Sunco |
Why A Coat On My Binoculars ? Überzug (coat) auf Meinen Fernglas? Pourquoi mes Jumelles ont-elles Besoin d’un Couche (coat)? Почему бинокль помечены как " coated " ? żPor qué un Recubrimiento por Mis Prismáticos. Perché un Cappotto sul mio Binocolo? |
One encounters some binoculars marked “ coated ”; “ coated lens ”; “ coated optics ”; or “ fully coated ”. Or Verg ϋ tete (German for “coated”), Mehrfach Verg ϋ tete (German for “multi coated”), Voll Verg ϋ tete (German for “Fully Coated”), or Verg ϋ tete Optik (German for “coated optics”) . Or Optique Traitée (French for “coated optics” or Traitement Multicouche (French for”multicoated”). Or I.F.C . (“Independent Focus Coated”)or M.L.C (“Multi Layer Coated” . Inside a binocular when light encounters any air to glass interface, around 5% of the light is reflected. Binoculars may have up to 16 such interfaces, so this can result in up to half of the light (image) not being transmitted to your eye (hazy washed out image). Big objective lenses do compensate for light loss. Hence the use of huge military binoculars like my Flakfernrohr anti aircraft binoculars, and the giant “big eye” binoculars often used on ships. The principles of anti-reflective coatings were discovered by John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh, in 1886. Naval warfare confers great advantage to whichever party that has the first sighting and identification. So commencing during wartime in the 1940’s, magnesium fluoride (MGF2)and other anti reflective lens coatings like Lithium Flouride were used to reduce light loss. Magnesium Fluoride is relatively hard wearing, has a decent refractive index, and is fairly easily applied by physical vapor deposition, so it is often used. Coated lenses were a deluxe feature during the time that both coated and uncoated lenses were first being sold. And so it was more likely that binoculars were marked as such and that binoculars advertisement touted that “deluxe” advancement. MGF2 applied to crown glass gives a reflectance of about 1%, compared to bare crown glass at 4% and that is just one surface. The thickness of the coating is directly related to the light wavelength it will pass. Coatings are usually configured in a compromise to pass light near the center of the visible spectrum (550 nanometers) which means more reflection at say 475 or 650. The very best binoculars these days use multiple different coatings, often 2 to 3 and potentially as many as 7, and may pass up to around 95% of the light. “Fully coated” means every optical surface is claimed to be coated, “coated optics” or “coated lens” means some are. The terms “AR”, “Anti Reflection”, “Anti Reflex” and “Antireflective” are sometimes terms encountered and theymean the same thing as “coated” but may have more modern consumer connotations. |
Big lenses, like those on my WWII military Flakfernrohr anti aircraft spotting binoculars on the left or my WWII Japanese naval military optics on the right pass more light, even though they may not be anti-reflective coated. That is why binoculars on WWII and earlier combat ships and those used for aircraft spotting tended to be large prior to the advent of coated lenses, to give the brightest most defined image, and to allow the earliest spotting and identification of potential enemies. So the tiny lenses in miniature binoculars can benefit from being coated. |
Promotional Miniature Binoculars. Fördernde Miniaturferngläser. Jumelles Miniatures Promotionnelles. Информационно-пропагандистских миниатюрные бинокль. 販売促進 のミニチュアの双眼鏡 . Los Prismáticos en Miniatura Promocional. Binocolo Miniature Promozionale. |
Corporate promotional items (called advertising specialties) have long been a popular form of marketing (think key chains and pens). You can walk away from a trade show with a whole bag overflowing with the stuff. In the past they included pen knives, box cutters, cigarette lighters, ashtrays, coasters, pocket calculators, pen pockets, pencils, toys, clocks, & beer can and bottle keys. (These days corporate lawyers do get nervous about anything related to smoking or drinking or that you can cut yourself with). There was normally a hierarchy of goodies: better stuff for good customers (distributors and dealers) who actually bought lots of your product and made you money, and the junky cheap stuff for consumers (think key chains and pens). Miniature binoculars were in the highest tier of better give away goodies. They may also have figured as corporate Xmas gifts, as prizes in sales competitions, or as corporate souvenirs for important visitors. So in addition to any brand name and manufacturer name, promotional binoculars will also have the name of the entity handing the binoculars out, which makes them fun to acquire. Today most advertising specialty companies offer a choice of hundreds of binoculars available for corporate purchase and custom markings. |
Two different promotional binoculars made for the company Oinments du St-Laurent , or St Laurence Cement . The one on the left carries the binocular brand “Carl Wetzler”, the one on the right is unbranded. Neither carries JB markings. Holcim Canada, formerly St Laurence Cement, currently has 35 plants in Ontario and 15 in Quebec in Canada. Collection of Mark Ohno |
Promotional binoculars made for the Union Electric Steel Corporation , with the binocular brand “Steller”. Union Electric Steel has 3 plants in Pennsylvania, one in Indiana, in the USA, and one in Gateshead, England. Collection of Mark Ohno |
Promotional binoculars made for the Sahara Casino and the Mint Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, both properties owned by Del Webb. Collection of Mark Ohno |
Among the markings that can be confusing, one often finds “MCF” and “MIF” associated with these types of miniature binoculars, and DCF,ZCF, BCF, BWCF, and UCF associated with other types of binoculars and boxes. These [non scientific] designations and derivations have entered common use over time to designate the type of binocular construction and the type of focus mechanism, and are related to associating a design or configuration with a manufacturer or precedent model. FMC: F ully M ulti C oated: all lens surfaces are multi coated MC: M ulti C oated lenses MCF: M type porro prism design with C enter F ocus (“M” type is Nippon Kogaku/ Nikon “Mikron” type, also sometimes called Micron type). Now sometimes interpreted as “Mini center focus and applied to any compact porro prism binoculars configuration where the objective lenses are closer together than the ocular lenses. MIF: M type porro prism design with I ndependent F ocus (“M” type is Nippon Kogaku/ Nikon “Mikron” type, also called Micron type) Above comments apply, but independent focus. DCF: “ D ach” or German type roof prism design with C enter F ocus ZCF: “ Z eiss” German type construction with separate objective tubes & prism housings with C enter F ocus BCF or BWCF: “ B ausch & Lomb” or American type configuration with one piece objective tubes/ prism housings, C enter F ocus UCF: Dual Axis porro prism design |
What do Those Logo Graphics Represent? Arten von Linsen und Markendesigns auf Ferngläsern ? Qu’est-ce ces Conceptions Graphiques Représentent ? Логотип бинокли конструкции на основе оптических линз. これらのロゴグラ フィックスは何を表しますか? żQué representan estos logotipos gráficos? Coso Rappresentano Quelle Grafiche di Logo? |
“I drew a nice little lens, a cutaway of an achromat, and put ‘triple tested’ on it.” -David Bushnell |
Achromatic lens configuration |
Bioconvex lens |
Bioconvex lens |
Bioconcave lens |
+ |
Bioconcave lens |
+ |
Bioconvex lens |
Plano-concave lens |
Plano-convex lens |
+ |
Bioconvex lens |
Meniscus lens |
Plano-convex lens |
Anatomy of a Binocular Error. Ein Fernglas Erroe. Anatomie d'une Faute de Manufacture. Интересные бинокли производства ошибка. 双眼鏡 の上のマーキングエ ラー . Un Error de Producción Prismáticos. Un Errore nel Produrre Binocoli. |
We all think errors are fun... when perpetrated by others (so we can feel superior)...and when they only inconvenience others (so we can feel more fortunate). Anyway, these two binoculars made in occupied Japan between 1945 and 1951 (probably made in 1950 or 1951) suggest an interesting that would probably be familiar to many importers. They are made by the same [unknown]company, and are the identical model. |
One could imagine that the US importer might have been delighted when his Christmas shipment of small Japanese made binoculars made it off the boat in November of 1951, with just enough time for the families of hunters and fishermen to scoop them up as interesting gifts, and make his season green (as in plenty of greenbacks or paper currency). One would like to have been a fly on the wall when he realized his binoculars were designed and specifically stamp engraved for the “ SPOPTSMAN ” in the family. A mere 84 binoculars later, in his following shipment, he was back to selling to the “ SPORTSMAN ”, probably a much bigger and less confusing demographic. It was his misfortune that the Sharpie® marker would not be invented for another 13 years. |
Binocular collection of Mark Ohno |
Plano-concave lens |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Common Myths and Nonsense About Miniature Binoculars. Mythen und Fabeln über Miniaturferngläser. Mythes et Non-sens au Sujet des Jumelles Miniatures. Мифы и нелепиц о миниатюрных бинокль. ミニチュアの双眼鏡についての誤った概念 . Los Mitos Más Comunes y Disparates Sobre Prismáticos en Miniatura. Miti Comuni e Sciocchezze sui Binocoli in Miniatura. |
“Used in WWI” The invention and patent application of this design is documented to have occurred in 1919. WWI ended in 1918. So the statement that any binocular of this design was used in WWI is pure nonsense (including that uninformed claim by the Imperial War Museum). “Utilisé dans la Premiere Grand Guerre Mondiale.” La date du brevet est 1919. La guerre ŕ fini en 1918. Ainsi n'importe quelle déclaration indiquant des jumelles de cette conception ont été employées dans WWI est absurdité pure. “Verwendet während WWI” Die Erfindung und die Patentanmeldung für dieses Design wird im Jahre 1919 dokumentiert. WWI im Jahre 1918 beendet. Jeder möglicher Anspruch, dass Ferngläser dieses Designs in WWI verwendet wurden, ist reiner Unsinn. 虚偽 の主張;これらのミニチュアの双眼鏡は第一次世界大戦で使われました 戦争が終わった1年あと、これらの双眼鏡は発明されました。 "Se utiliza en PRIMERA GUERRA MUNDIAL" La invención y aplicación de patente de este diseńo es documentado en 1919. PRIMERA GUERRA MUNDIAL terminó en 1918. Por lo que la declaración de que cualquier Prismáticos de este diseńo se utilizó en WWI es un disparate.
“Japanese miniature binoculars used in or originating from WWII ” Virtually all of the Japanese binoculars of this type that one is likely to encounter date from around 1947 and later , with the vast majority from 1950 or later. World War II ended in 1945. That is not to say that a few of the prewar models did not show up in WWII, and I have a pre war model documented picked up associated with the WWII battle of Saipan. Virtually all the miniature binoculars claimed associated with WWII are post war models. « Jumelles Miniatures Japonaises utilisé dans la Deuxieme Grande Guerre Mondaile” Toutes les jumelles japonaises de ce type qu’on trouve ont ete fabriquees aprčs 1947. La majorité date aprčs 1950. La deuxičme grand guerre mondiale a fini en 1945 . „ Japanischen Miniaturferngläsern verwendet während WWII“ fast alle japanischen Miniaturferngläser nach 1947 produziert worden. Der zweite Weltkrieg im Jahre 1945 beendet. 第二次世界大戦 からの日本のミニチュアの双眼鏡 . 多分1パーセントの10分の1が前に生産しました 1947. "Se utiliza en la segunda guerra mundial " Casi todos los japoneses los Prismáticos de este tipo que uno es probable que se encuentre con fecha de 1947 y, posteriormente, con la inmensa mayoría de después de 1950. En 1945 finalizó la II Guerra Mundial.
“Military binoculars” No military organization is known to have used miniature binoculars. Military organizations do not use chrome binoculars. Soldiers have bought miniature binoculars to give as gifts. Some were bought in military PX stores (and so were stereo systems). That does not make them military binoculars (or military stereos). « Jumelles Militaires » Aucune organisation militaire connue a utilisé les jumelles miniatures. Les organismes militaires n'utilisent pas des jumelles de chrome. Les soldats pourraient avoir acheté les jumelles miniatures pour donner comme des cadeaux. Cela ne leur fait pas les jumelles militaires. „Militärferngläser / Dienzglas„ keine Armee bekannt, um Miniaturferngläser zu verwenden. Keine Armee bekannt, um Chromferngläser zu benutzen. Soldaten kaufen möglicherweise Miniaturferngläser, um als Geschenke zu geben. 軍隊 のミニチュアの双眼鏡 . 軍隊がミニチュアの双眼鏡を使いません。 軍の組織がクロム合金双眼鏡を使いません。 "Miniatura Militar prismáticos " organización militar No se sabe que han utilizado los prismáticos en miniatura. Las organizaciones militares no utilizar chrome binoculares. Los soldados han comprado miniatura prismáticos para dar como regalos. Algunos de ellos fueron comprados en tiendas militares PX (y, por lo tanto, sistemas de sonido estéreo). Esto no significa que sean unos prismáticos militar (o militar estéreos).
“Made in Occupied Japan binoculars, marked made in Japan”. “Made in Japan” was a standard marking after the occupation ended in 1952. Binoculars made in occupied Japan during the years 1947-1949 will be marked “made in occupied Japan” or “occupied Japan” to comply with SCAPIN 1535. Binoculars made 1949 to 1952 usually are marked “made in occupied Japan” , but alternately they could also be marked “made in Japan.” Generally binoculars marked “made in Japan” are assumed to be post occupation, unless there is a dated invoice to prove they were made in 1949-1952.
“You can see 10 miles with these binoculars”. How far you can supposedly see has long been a staple of marketing hype for low end binoculars, but it is nonsense (and one of the few cases of hype claiming less than reality). According to Natalie Wolchover on Live Science, the Andromeda Galaxy is generally considered the furthest object the unaided human eye can perceive. It is 2.6 million light years distant. So your miniature binoculars can certainly see at least 2.6 million light years away. « Vous pouvez voir 10 milles avec ces jumelles ». Selon Natalie Wolchover de Live Science, la galaxie Andromeda (2,6 millions d'années lumičre ) est l’objet le plus éloigné qu’on peut voir sans aide. “Sie können 10 Meilen mit Miniaturferngläsern sehen“. Entsprechend Natalie Wolchover auf Live Science, gilt Andromeda Galaxy im Allgemeinen als den weitesten Gegenstand, den das menschliche Auge ohne Hilfe empfinden kann. Es ist 2,6 Million Lichtjahre entfernt. So können Ihre Miniaturferngläser mindestens 2,6 Million Lichtjahre sehen. あなたはこれらの双眼鏡で10マイルを見ることができます ( 広告) : 双眼鏡なしで、人々がアンドロメダ・ギャラクシーを見ることができます. 地球から離れて260万光年 "Se puede ver 10 millas con estos prismáticos ". La distancia a la que se puede ver desde hace mucho tiempo ha sido un alimento básico de la comercialización publicitaria de gama baja los prismáticos, pero es absurdo (y uno de los pocos casos en que la publicidad que reclaman menos de realidad). Según Natalie Wolchover en Live Science, la galaxia de Andrómeda es generalmente considerado el objeto más lejano simple ojo humano puede percibir. De 2.6 millones de ańos luz distante. Por lo tanto, su miniatura prismáticos puede sin duda ver al menos 2,6 millones de ańos luz de distancia.
“Spy binoculars”. These were not designed for use by intelligence agencies. Experts on espionage equipment say espionage agencies did not issue these. Operatives used binoculars, and these are handy to carry in a pocket. On the other hand intelligence operatives drank from glasses and wore ties, and that doesn’t really make them “spy glasses” or “spy ties”. For specific information on this issue see the page SWAP SHOP & MISC , section on Espionage. “Jumelles d'espion”. Aucune agence d'espionnage n'est connue pour avoir acheté ces jumelles miniatures. Experts de matériel d'espionnage espionnage dire agences n'a pas question ces. Les agents d'espionnage ont probablement acheté les jumelles miniatures pour les męmes raisons les gens communs les ont achetés. Elles son commodes. Pour obtenir des informations spécifiques sur ce rendez-vous sur la page SWAP SHOP & MISC , section sur l'espionnage . „Spionsferngläser“ Keine Spionageagentur bekannt, diese Miniaturferngläser gekauft zu haben. Experten über Spionage Agenturen sagen Spionage Geheimdienste nicht nutzen diese Miniatur Fernglas. Für spezifische Informationen über diese finden Sie auf der Seite SWAP SHOP & MISC , Abschnitt auf Spionage. スパイ活動のためのミニチュアの双眼鏡. スパイ活動について政府機関を知っている専門家が、スパイ活動政府機関がこれらの双眼鏡を使わないと主張します " Unos prismáticos para espías". Estos no fueron diseńados para el uso de espionaje. Expertos en equipos de espionaje espionaje decir decir que organismos no ha hecho uso de esos. Para obtener información específica sobre este problema, consulte la página SWAP SHOP & MISC , sección de espionaje.
“Sniper’s binoculars” or “Assassin’s binoculars”. Quite implausible, as sniper spotters have always normally used relatively large relatively high powered high performance binoculars and spotting scopes oriented to light gathering and with optical performance including low light performance and field of view a priority over size or price. And anti lens reflection measures or devices like Kill Flash important. These miniature binoculars prioritize small unobtrusive convenient pocket size over the high optics performance factors a sniper wants. Having said that, three pairs of Japanese miniature binoculars were seized at the Ruth Payne house where the famous assassin “sniper” Lee Harvey Oswald had stayed, but it wasn’t really clear who actually owned them, and there was no known direct connection to the assassination. Sniper Fernglas oder Assasin Fernglas . Scharfschützen verwenden ein leistungsstarkes Fernglas mit hoher geringer Lichtleistung und Antireflex-Objektiven und sind bei Größe und Kosten weniger wichtig als die optische Leistung. Jumelles de tireur d'élite ou asassin jumelles. Miniaturferngläser passen nicht zu diesen Prioritäten.Jumelles de sniper ou jumelles assasin. Les tireurs d'élite utilisent des jumelles ŕ haute puissance avec une haute performance ŕ faible éclairage et des objectifs anti-réfléchissants et dont la taille et le coűt sont moins importants que les performances optiques. Les jumelles miniatures ne correspondent pas ŕ ces priorités. スナイパー双眼鏡またはアサシン双眼鏡 .スナイパー双眼鏡またはアサシン双眼鏡。スナイパーは、低照度性能と反射防止対物レンズを備えた高性能の双眼鏡を使用し、光学性能よりもサイズとコストがあまり重要ではない。ミニチュア双眼鏡はそれらの優先順位に合わない。 Binoculares de francotirador o binoculares asesinos. Los francotiradores usan binoculares de alta potencia con alto rendimiento de poca luz y objetivos antirreflectantes, y con tamańo y costo menos importantes que el rendimiento óptico. Los prismáticos en miniatura no se ajustan a esas prioridades. |
Decyphering No Brand Binoculars. Analyse von Fernglas Ohne Markennamen. Analyse des Jumelles Sans Marque. Анализ бинокль с торговой марки не маркировка. Analizar Prismáticos sin Necesidad de un Nombre de Marca. Analizzando Binocoli non Marchiati. |
Non-branded Japanese made binoculars of this pattern are actually uncommon (and no...not in a way that makes them valuable or desirable ). The non-branded UK market 10 x 40 binoculars shown at top right still have something to tell us. One prism cover is marked with “made in Japan” and there is a “JIT” inspection sticker. On the hidden side of a prism cover is JB5 , so the assembling manufacturer was Meiji Seiko Co Ltd., and the frame is marked JE57 , so the metal parts manufacturer of record was Oji Kogaku Kikai Co. Ltd . There were other UK distributed brands that used the same combination of manufacturers, such as Wolf. On the other hand the unbranded and otherwise unmarked except for “ 6x15 ” silver binoculars on the bottom have nothing additional to tell us. |
Each time light passes the interface between airspace and a lens some light is lost or reflected. Lens coatings can help to counteract this. |
The effect of light loss is a washed out less vivid image |
Once the presence of lens coatings had become part of the marketing lexicon, there was a certain amount of “flexibility” between the claims and the inferences and what was actually being done to the lenses, particularly in regard to slapping a coating on one lens surface and ignoring all the rest. |
“VERGÜTETE OPTIK” means “coated optics” in German |
+ |
Meniscus lens |
+ |
Plano-convex lens |
Der unterhaltsame fernglas Markenname. Amusant miniature jumelles marques. Развлечения с миниатюрных бинокли имен. Diversión con binoculares en miniatura nombres |
Der Effekt des Lichtverlustes ist ein gewaschenes heraus Bild. L'effet de la perte de lumičre est une image moins vive. |
J'ai dessiné une petite lentille intéressante, un écorché d'un achromat, et mis « examiné trios fois » lŕ-dessus. –David Bushnell |
Ich zeichnete eine nette kleine Linse, einen Cutaway eines achromat, und die gesetzte „geprüfte x 3“ –David Bushnell |
Miniaturferngläser ohne einen Markennamen sind selten. Die Informationen noch möglich sind. Die Fernglas am ohne Marke links ist geprägt JB5 auf eine Deckung Prisma. So wurde zusammengebaut durch Meiji Seiko Co. Die Markierungen JE57 zeigten Teile von Oji Kogaku Kikai Co. Die silber 6x15 Fernglas haben keine Kennzeichnungen von Identität. Les jumelles miniatures sans marque sont rares. Les informations la dessus sont encore possible drcouvrir. Le jumelles sans marque ŕ gauche sont marqué JB5 sur la couverture du prisme. Ainsi elles ont été fabriquees par Meiji Seiko Cie. L'inscription JE57 indiqué les pičces qui ont ete fournies par Oji Kogaku Kikai. Le silver 6x15 jumelles n'ont aucun marquage de l'identité. |
“Compliments from Japanese Electric Industries Oct 1954” |
Promotional binoculars made for Japan Electric Industries by AOCo / Asahi Optical Co. Ltd. (Asahi Kōgaku Kōgyō Kabushiki-geisha) ( 旭光学工業株式会社 ) and dated Oct. 1954. The anglicized “Japanese Electric Industries” may be the rough translation of a corporation such as Nihon Hassöden Kabushiki Kaisha, or may be an umbrella trade group organization. Collection of Mark Ohno, sourced in England |
I have also seen promotional miniature binoculars marked for the Audi and Mercedes automobile companies, and for IBM. |
MCF & MIF and Similar Markings. MCF MIF und ähnliche Fernglas Markierungen. MCF MIF et Inscriptions Semblables. MCF и MIF и аналогичные обозначения. MCF y MIF y Marcado Similarilar. MCF e MIF e Marcature Simili. |
Gut. Bon. X орошая работа. いい仕事 . Buen trabajo |
Geschrieben falsch. Mal épelé. Подробно изложены неверно. つづりを間違う . Mal escritos. |
“Remington” Miniature Binoculars? „Remington“ Miniaturferngläser ? «Remington» Jumelles Miniatures? «Remington» бинокль? «Remington» Prismáticos en Miniatura. «Remington» Binocolo in Miniatura. |
Remington® has been a well known US manufacturer of firearms and ammunition since 1816, and brand licensor of knives and outdoor gear. A number of miniature binoculars have invoked the name (without being Remington® licensees). As well as presumably unlicensed use of the Remington name (not expressed in the traditional logo typefaces) these include Remingto, and Remingten. Presumably unlicensed Remington binoculars are observed exported from Japan by Toyo Jitsugo KK/ Oriental trading Co. (TJK marking). |
Genuine Remington®. Early 1900s. Echten marke Remington®. Marque authentique Remington®. Una verdadera marca Remington®. |
Genuine Remington® 9mm pistol cartridges. Echten marke Remington®. Marque authentique Remington®. Una verdadera marca Remington®. |
Note Tail on “R”, and curl on “N” on the trade mark. |
Probably not Remington®. Spelled the same, but not really the trade marked logo. This had a “TJK” mark indicating exporter Toyo Jitsugo Kogaku/ Oriental Trading Co. was invoved. Keine echte marke Remington®. Pas de marque Remington®. No la auténtica marca Remington®. |
Not Genuine Remington®. Keine echte Marke Remington®. Pas de marque Remington®. No la auténtica marca Remington®. |
Not Genuine Remington®. Keine echte Marke Remington®. Pas de marque Remington®. No la auténtica marca Remington®. |
Japanese External Reverse Porro Prism Binoculars. VIRTUAL MUSEUM |
Light View & Vision Sunscope, Lumion, Horizon, Lumen, Starlit, Vista, Spelview, Clearsite, Look, ByVision, Panorama, Skymaster, Light, Vision |
Jewels Diamond, Pearl,Pearls, Opal, Jewel |
Gods, Devils, Heroes Atlas, Apollo, Ashreh, Hercules, Lucifer, Mercury, Venus, Pallas, Hyperion, Beli, |
Too Super Super, Super Haco, Super Zenith Super Power Glory Super, Suprema |
Wind Tempist, Hurricane, Zephyr |
+ |
Bioconvex lens |
Bioconcave lens |
+ |
Meniscus lens |
+ |
Bioconcave lens |
Probably not Remington®. Spelled the same, but not really the trade marked logo. This had a “TJK” mark indicating exporter Toyo Jitsugo Kogaku/ Oriental Trading Co. was invoved. Keine echte marke Remington®. Pas de marque Remington®. No la auténtica marca Remington®. |