X (Unbranded) 6x15 IF binoculars, Blk/Sil, X (Unbranded) 6x15 IF binoculars, Blk/Sil, JB231 /mfgr Tochihara Optical Co. Ltd X (Unbranded) 10x40 CF binoculars, Blk/Sil, JB5 /mfgr: Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd, JE57 /parts Yoshimoto Kogaku Co. Ltd. (UK market) * A.B.C. binoculars = A lfred B aumann C assel (see Fata Morgana binoculars and Optistar binoculars) *Adams binoculars: while apparently not trade marked, the “Adams” brand was used on binoculars and various other goods by retailer Montgomery Ward X Adams 6x15 IF MIOJ binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, marked w “ K ” logo, so mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo Co Ltd X Adams 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB74 /mfgr: Omori Sogo Kogaku Koyogo JE51 / parts Yoshimoto Kogaku Co X Adams 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, variant 1 “ K ”logo mfgr: Omori Sogo Kogaku Koyogo X Adams 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, , JB74 /mfgr: Omori Sogo Kogaku JE51 / parts Yoshimoto Kogaku X Adams 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, *A Franks was an optician and optical firm in Manchester England 1878-1950 X A. Franks Manchester 6x15 IF all black, pre WWII ( UK market) *Admiral binoculars: Swiss trademark #2P-325036 for binoculars, theater glasses, monoculars, microscopes and other optical and photographic products is held by GMC Trading AG, Hertistrasse 31, Wallisellan, Switzerland X Admiral 10x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, “ vergutete optic, weitwinkel ”(coated optics, wide angle) (Europe/Germany market) Admiral G.M.C. 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, CE, (European market/Switzerland) ) Admiral G.M.C. 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, “ MSC ” logo so mfgr. Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd., (Europe/Germany market) X Admiral G.M.C. 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, PME , “ vergutete optic, weitwinkel, naoki” JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc X Admiral G.M.C. 10x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, “ vergutete optic, weitwinkel ”(coated optics, wide angle) (Germany market) Admiral G.M.C. 12x50 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, RE (Europe/Switzerland market) X Aetna 6x15 CF binoculars , Blk/Sil, ME, no manufacturer code Agemo 7x18 CF binoculars , Blk/Sil, ME (Japan market) X Agemo 10x18 IF binoculars , Blk/Sil, UME , no manufacturer code *Airport binoculars : See Eikow binoculars * A.K.C. binoculars marking= A kebono K ogako C o X Albert 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil Alma 6x16 SKK IF binoculars All Silver (Japan market) Almo 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME “ MSK ” logo probably Meiji Seiko Kogaku , no manufacturer code *Aloma binoculars: Aloma in a pyramid shaped surround was owned by Tokyo Optical Manufacturing Co Ltd., Japan. J.J. Vickers distributed Aloma binoculars in the UK around 1969 X Aloma 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil “ MSC ” logo so mfgr. Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd., (UK market) Aloma 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil variant 1 “ MSC ” logo so mfgr. Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd Aloma 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil variant 2 JB69 /mfgr: Akebono Kogaku Kogyo Co Aloma 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil Aloma 10x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB5 /manufacturer: Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd Aloma Comet 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, JB69 /mfgr: Akebono Kogaku Kogyo Co (UK market) Aloma Tokyo 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB69 /mfgr: Akebono Kogaku Kogyo Co *Alpha binoculars: many sizes and powers of “Alpha” binoculars are marked “S.T.C. Alpha”, (7x18,6x30,7x35,7x50,8x30). Also S.T.C. Seeker. S.T.C. is probably an importer or exporter or distributor, but in not yet identified X Alpha 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, “S.T.C.” marked “ AKC ” logo so Akebono Kogaku Co Alpha 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil Alpha Savoy 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (UK market) ALPS KSS 6x15 IF binoculars All black (pre WWII) KSS is Kobayashi Seiki Seisakujo Ltd * Alta binoculars: recently Vixen is known to have used the Alta brand or model name on binoculars. Not known if this is applicable to the presumably earlier usage Alta 6x15 binoculars Blk/Sil * Amcon binoculars were probably a brand of Lafayette Radio Electronics, which was quite active when these binoculars were made and used the “Amcon” name on other types of products and held US trademark # 73078954 of 1976-1983 for Amcon for other product types and is believed to have sold miniature binoculars X Amcon 6x15 IF MIOJ binoculars Blk/Sil, no mfgr code, marked “ made in occupied Japan”, so 1945-Apr.1952 X Amcon 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil “ AKC ” logo, JB69 /mfgr: Akebono Kogaku Kogyo Co Amcon 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil * American Optical binoculars might be a brand of American Optical Corp (speculative) which held US trademark # 73470762 for eyeglass and related products (not binoculars)1985-present with first use 1966 American Optical 6x15 Blk/Sil Koki Seisakujo X Angle 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code * Antares binoculars: Antares is a brand (first use 1998) of Canadian optical importer/distributor Antares Optical Products Ltd unrelated to earlier brand usage on miniature pattern binoculars below X Antares 6x15 CF binoculars “ MSC ” marked Blk/Sil w/ 1965 dated receipt from the Virgin islands X Antares 6x15 CF binoculars “ MSC ” marked Blk/Sil JB5 /mfgr: Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd JE50 / parts Tanaka Koki Seisakujo Antares 7x15 CF binoculars “ MSC ” marked Blk/Sil mfgr: Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd Antares 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Europe market) X Antares 8x20 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE, “ MSC ” logo so mfgr. Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd JE50 / parts Tanaka Antares 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, MSC ” logo so mfgr. Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd Antares 12x50 CF binoculars Blk/Sil * AOCo binoculars: Asahi Optical Co ./ Asahi Kōgaku Kōgyō Kabushiki-geisha) ( 旭光学工業株式会社 ) later became Pentax Corp. : see Pentax binoculars for “Pentax” marked Asahi binoculars and also Heiland Pentax binoculars & Honeywell Pentax binoculars (US importing representatives). Asahi created the “Jupiter” model line of miniature binoculars in 1948. Asahi Optical made binoculars under contract to independent importers such as Bushnell, C.E.Z., Legis Archer, Sears (Tower) and presumably others (the AOCo logo also appeared on prism covers of many of these binoculars) X AOCo Asahi Capitan 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/sil, ME, (pre Pentax) Asahi Optical Co, Tokyo AOCo Asahi Capitan 6x15 IF binoculars 90% All Black except ocular ring and objective barrel trim, ME X AOCo Asahi Ensign Jr 6x15 IF MIOJ binoculars Blk/sil, PME occupied Japan *AOCo J upiter brand/model binoculars: Asahi Optical Co Ltd held US trademark # 72203781 for “Jupiter” for binoculars from Aug 1965 to present with first use claimed as Jan 1948, subsequently assigned to successor Pentax Corp, then to Hoya Corp through merger, then to Ricoh Pentax Imaging Co. Ltd X AOCo Asahi Jupiter 6x15 IF MIOJ binoculars 90%All Black, P ME (pre dates Jupiter Jr & Jupiter Sr.models) AOCo Asahi Jupiter Jr 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/sil, Asahi Optical Co, Tokyo , post occupation X AOCo Asahi Jupiter Jr 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/sil promo marked “Complements of Japanese Electrical Industries Oct 1954” X A OCo Asahi Jupiter Jr 6x15 IF binoculars 90%All Black , ME, Asahi Optical Co, Tokyo , post occupation X AOCo Asahi Jupiter Jr 6x15 IF MOIJ binoculars 90%All Black , ME, Asahi Optical, “ occupied Japan ”, case dated “ 1950 ” AOCo Asahi Jupiter Sr 6x25 CF binoculars Blk/sil Asahi Optical Co, Tokyo X AOCo Lamay 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/sil Asahi Optical Co, Tokyo X AOCo Sport 6x16 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, Asahi Optical Co, Tokyo AOCo Asahi Sport 6x15 IF MOIJ binoculars Blk/sil, ME, Asahi Optical Co, Tokyo , “ occupied Japan ”, 1945-Apr.1952 AOCo Sr IF 6x25 binoculars Blk/Sil (pre Pentax) X AOCo Sr CF 6x25 binoculars Blk/Sil, PE, marked “MCA Happy Christmas Merry New Year 1958-1959”, Music Corporation of America Corporate Gift or Promotional binoculars dated as 1958 *Apex binoculars were observed advertised from around 1950-1974. Subsequently, Alpen Outdoor Corp. (est 1997) used Apex as a binocular model line, with their post 1997 use presumed unassociated with earlier use on miniature binoculars. Apex Astra 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, X Apex Astra Center 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE , no manufacturer code X Apex Zephyr 6x18 IF binoculars All Silver, ME, no manufacturer code Apollo binoculars: Apollo Optik GmbH & Co KG of Germany held German trademark # 787085 for APOLLO for binoculars Sept 1963-June 2013 and Australian trademark # 242690 for APOLLO for optical instruments including field glasses Sept 1970-Sept 2025 and UK word trademark # 899304 for APOLLO for class 9 optical apparatus from Sept 1966-2001 Apollo 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE , no manufacturer code X Apollo 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, CE, JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc X Apollo 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, “vergutete optik””gesichtsfeld 7°” JE50 / parts Tanaka Koki Seisakujo (German language mkt) Apollo 8x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc Apollo 10x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Austria market) Apollo 10x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB5 /mfgr Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd. JE57 /metal parts Yoshimoto Kogaku Co. Ltd. *Apollon binoculars might be a Fuji Photo Film Co Ltd. , but speculative based on one ambiguous marking on one binoculars Apollon 6x15 IF binoculars All silver X Apollon 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME X Apollon 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil “ FUJI ” marking on hinge cover *Aristo binoculars and Aristo Tone binoculars probably had a relationship with importer Aristo-Tone Electronics , 236 5th Av., owner of 1960s trademarks on both names but for radios (this is speculation) X Aristo 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil JB231 /mfgr Tochihara Optical Co. Ltd JE7 /metal parts Nippon Kogaku Kyogo X Aristo 7x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc Aristo 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc X Aristo 8X20 IF binoculars Blk/Sil Aristo 10X20 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME X Aristo Tone 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, (variant 1) JB69 /manufacturer Akebono Kogyo Co. X Aristo Tone 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, (variant 2) JB231 /mfgr Tochihara Optical Co. Ltd Aristo Tone 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, (variant 3) JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc, JE50 / parts Tanaka Koki Seisakujo X Aristo Tone 7x18 IF binoculars JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc Aristo Tone 9x21 IF binoculars Blk/Sil *Aroma binoculars may be a brand of Kuroki Optical Co. Ltd: some binoculars are observed with both markings prominent X Aroma 6x15 IF MIOJ binoculars All Black *Arrow binoculars are believed a product of distributor Arrow Trading Co NYC (per markings on Arrow binoculars boxes) X Arrow 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB5 /mfgr Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd, JE50 /parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo *Asahi binoculars: see also AOCo binoculars and Pentax binoculars and Heiland binoculars *Asahi Pentax binoculars: see also AOCo binoculars and Pentax binoculars and Heiland binoculars *Asanuma binoculars are the brand of Japanese photo products Asanuma & Co (Asanuma Shōkai) X Asanuma 8x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE , JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co Ltd. X Asanuma 10x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co Ltd. *Ashreh binoculars; believed a brand of Ashreh Supply Co, 425 Broadway, NY., NY X Ashreh 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil Ashreh 6x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil Ashreh 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil Ashreh 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil “ MSC ” marked so manufacturer Meiji Seiko Co *Astra binoculars: see also Apex binoculars Astra-Center 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil *Astron binoculars: importer distributor C.R . Kennedy Sales Pty of Australia held Australian trademark # 121467 for Astron for binoculars & telescopes feom December 1954-valid until 2026. X Astron 6x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME (UK market) * ATCO binoculars marking= A merican T hermoware Co * Atco binoculars note: US design trademark #72075964 holder 1960-2001 for binoculars, opera glasses, and lots of other things was American Thermoware Co 12-16 Warren St, NYC NY, USA, with ATCO word trademark in 1924 with 1st use claimed 1915 X Atco 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, JE50 /parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo *Atlas binoculars: brand documented imported into the UK by Japanese Cameras Ltd around 1962 and distributed by affiliated entity Photopia Ltd around the 1962 . Atlas may be a brand of Atorasu Koki Seisakujo/Atlas Koki Seisakujo (pure speculation) X Atlas 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, “ K ” logo on frame so mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku X Atlas 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB5 /mfgr Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd ., JE50 /parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo (UK mkt) X Atlas 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, no manufacturer code X Atlas 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, (variant 1) JB74 / mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo, JE51 /parts Yoshimoto Kogaku Co. Atlas 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, (variant 1) “ K ” logo on frame so mfgr. Omori Sogo Kogaku Atlas 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil Atlas 10x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil Atlas 10x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (UK market) Atlas 12x50 CF binoculars All Black (Europe/German market) *August Füllgrabe binoculars: see Fata Morgana binoculars, see also Optistar Binoculars *Aurora binoculars are believed a brand exported by photographic equipment supplier Kyoei Shoji Co., Ltd. of 1-17-6 Ebisu-Minami, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 105 Japan. They might be related to maker Aurora Optical Co Ltd, active around 1960 (speculative). Aurora 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil mfgr prob Aurora Kogaku Co Ltd (UK market) X Aurora 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil mfgr prob Aurora Kogaku Co Ltd (UK market) Aurora 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil mfgr prob Aurora Kogaku Co Ltd (UK market) X Aurora 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB93 / mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co Ltd, JE50 /parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo *Azusa binoculars: one of the Azusa binoculars is marked TOKO , usually associated with Tokyo Optical /Tokyo Kogaku Kikai X Azusa 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil “ TOKO” marked X Azusa 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil Bache 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil X Baecker 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil *Baker binoculars: see also Venus binoculars. Unrelated to current Baker Marine binoculars and earlier Watson Baker binoculars. Baker Clearview 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil X Baker Standard 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE Baker Standard 8x20 IF binoculars Blk/Sil Baker Standard 10x20 IF binoculars Blk/Sil (Europe market ) X Baker Standard Venus Junior 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, no manufacturer code X Baker Standard Venus Major 10x20 IF binoculars Blk/Sil X Barco 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc (UK market) *Barska binoculars: US trademark # 74534769 for Barska for binoculars was held by Micro World Corp, 2215 E Huntington Dr, Duarte Ca. from d1995-present with first use claimed in 1994 Barska 8x21 CF blue line binoculars All silver, current or recent production, presumably made in China X Barska 8x21 IF blue line binoculars All silver, current or recent production, presumably made in China X Barska 10x20 CF blue line binoculars All silver, current or recent production, presumably made in China *Bauer binoculars as below may have been a 1970’s product (unconfirmed) of Hans J. Bauer GmbH , a German distributor of optics founded in the 1930’s who currently distributes imported binoculars Bauer 7x25 IF binoculars Blk/Sil *BBI Fabila binoculars are probably products of Benoist Berthiot Ibérica, SA. of Spain BBI Fabila 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (made in Hong Kong) (Spain market) *Beecher Mirage binoculars-glasses are intended for the visually impaired, co is Beecher Optical Products Inc, 6 Twelve Lakes Ct., Lake in the Hills, Il. X Beecher Mirage 7x30 binoculars Beecher Research Co Ill USA *Belfont binoculars: US trademark # 72325252 was held by retailer W. Bell & Co. 1501 14th St NW, Washington DC 1969-1990 with first use in commerce claimed in 1968 X Belfont 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil variant 1 JB84 / mfgr Oei Kogaku Co Ltd X Belfont 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE , variant 2 JB231 /mfgr Tochihara Optical Co X Belfont 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB93 / mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co Ltd “ TJK ” marked (Toyo Jitsugo KK) exporter X Belfont 10x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB231 /mfgr Tochihara Optical Co “ TJK ” marked (Toyo Jitsugo KK) exporter Beli 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Europe/Sweden market) Beli 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Europe market) X Beli 7x23 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Europe market) *Belmont binoculars may be a product of Toho Optical Mfg Co, whose markings are observed on 7x35, 7x50, and 10x50 Belmont binoculars Belmont 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil (associated w/ Toho Optical Mfg Co) *Belvedere binoculars were distributed in the UK in the 1960’s by Highgate Optical & Industrial Co . X Belvedere 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB93 / mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co JE14 /parts: Ueta Seiki Co. Ltd . (UK market) Bergmann KOC 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (variant 1) JB69 /mfgr Akebono Kogaku Kogyo Co. (UK market) Bergmann 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, (variant 2, no KOC marking) JB69 /mfgr Akebono Kogaku Kogyo Co. X Bergmann 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, (variant 3) JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc, JE7 parts Nippon Kogaku Kogyo *Berkeley Scientific binoculars: Berkeley Scientific was a catalog retailer of binoculars, telescopes, microscopes and science gear located at 540 Yonge St , Toronto, Ontario Canada ca 1960’s/1970’s X Berkeley Scientific 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil “ TJK ” marking so exporter T oyo J itsugi K ugahara JB93 / mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co Berlin 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc. X Berlin 8x20 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE JB5 /mfgr Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd. JE57 /mfgr Oji Kogaku Kikai Co. (UK market) X Berlin 10x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB95 (undocumented mfgr code) JE50 /parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo (UK market) *Bernsport binoculars believed a brand of Berns Wholesale Sporting Goods Co. of 625 W. 12th Ave, Denver, Colorado who distributed miniature binoculars at the correct time X Bernsport Captain 6x15 MIOJ binoculars Blk/Sil, no mfgr code, marked “ made in occupied Japan ”, so 1945-Apr.1952 *Binolux binoculars: US trademark # 71670170 for Binolux for binoculars, field glasses, opera glasses, and field glasses from Aug 1955-present with first use claimed in 1954 was held by Compass Instrument & Optical Co. Inc.104 E. 25th St, NY, USA X Binolux 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil (variant 1) JB69 /mfgr Akebono Kogaku Kogyo Co. Binolux 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil (variant 2) RE “ NAOKI ” marked, JB47 / mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc X Binolux 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil (variant 3) JB47 / mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc X Binolux 6x15 IF binoculars (variant 4) Blk/Sil, PE, “ lightweight ” marked X Binolux 6x15 M-6 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE , (variant 5) “ lightweight ” marked, “ K ” logo/ so mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo X Binolux 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE , (variant 5) “fully coated optics” JB231 /mfgr Tochihara Optical Co X Binolux 6x25 CF binoculars JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co Ltd. JE50 /parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo X Binolux 7x18 M-5 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, JB47 / mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc X Binolux 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, PME , JB47 / mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc, JE50 /parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo X Binolux 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil no mfgr code X Binolux 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (variant 1) Blk/Sil, no mfgr code Binolux 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, (variant 2) JB69 /mfgr Akebono Kogaku Kogyo Co Binolux 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (variant 3) JB231 /mfgr Tochihara Optical Co Binolux 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil Binolux 8x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil X Binolux 8x20 CF binoculars (variant 1) Blk/Sil, JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co Ltd. ( X Binolux 8x20 CF binoculars (variant 2) Blk/Si, ME, marked “ PLUM ” & “ K ” logo/mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo X Binolux 8x20 CF binoculars (variant 3) Blk/Si, JB47 / mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc Binolux 8x20 CF binoculars (variant 4) Blk/Si, JB231 /mfgr Tochihara Optical Co X Binolux 10x20 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code Binolux 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil Binolux 10x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil *Birks binoculars : Canadian trademark # TMA575763 for many items including binoculars was the Canadian Birks jewelry chain. Birks Group of Montreal, Canada X Birks 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil (UK market, Canadian market) Birks 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (UK market) Birks 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Gold (UK market ) Birks 8x20 IF binoculars Blk/Sil (Canadian market) X Birks 8x20 IF binoculars Blk/Gold, “OTC” marked for Japanese exporter Oriental Trading Co (Canadian market) *Bisley binoculars : the trademark holder of Bisley binoculars was Bisley Ltd, and distribution is believed to be by the presumably related entity John Rothery (Wholesale) Co Ltd. Bisley Deluxe 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB57 /mfgr Oji Kogaku Kikai Co JE74 / parts Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo (UK mkt) X Bisley Deluxe 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, “ K ” marked frame so mfgr is Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo X Bisley Deluxe 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil. RE Bisley Deluxe 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ( UK market) X Bisley Deluxe 10x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code Bisley Deluxe 12x50 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, RE, (UK market) X Bisley Deluxe 18x50 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, RE, (UK market) *Bittco binoculars were the product of optical products importer L.S. Bitterman of Seattle , Washington, USA X Bittco 9X20 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE , no mfgr code * B.O.L. binoculars marking = B ushnell O ptical L aboratory *Boots binoculars : Boots binoculars are associated with the UK druggist chain Boots UK Ltd X Boots Courrier 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB231 /mfgr Tochihara Optical Co (UK market) X Boots Courrier 10x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB231 /mfgr Tochihara Optical Co (UK market) Boots Courrier 12x50 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (UK market) *Brentwood binoculars : advertising for Wanamakers stores and also for Broadway stores seemed to claim exclusive sales rights of Brentwood binoculars, which is confusing, but may be at different time periods. X Brentwood 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME JB001 /mfgr: Toa Kogaku Co.Ltd., Tokyo JE7/ parts Nippon Kogaku Kogyo Brilco 10x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB5 /mfgr Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd . (Europe/France market) *Broadfield binoculars US trademark#71683482 for binoculars was D. P. Busnell & Co (with reassignments) 1955-1996 X Broco 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE, “ MSK ” logo Meiji Seiko Kogaku , JE50 /parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo *Brookstone binoculars: Brookstone is a US gadget & electronics mail order and retail chain and then etailer 1973-present Brookstone 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, house brand of U.S. Brookstone catalog & retail store chain Browni 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Italy market) *Brownscope binoculars were a brand of New York City optical importer Brownscope with observed advertising 1932-1953 Brownscope 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, NYC Importer 1930s-1950s X Bueno 12x50 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB93 /manufacturer Seiwa Kogaku Co *Burton binoculars: while Burton binoculars had several associations, Burton with the “dura test:’’ slogan were a product of the R.H. Burton Co., an optical distributor in Ohio, USA X Burton Dura Test 6X15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil , ME, no mfgr code, Burton brand is usually associated with Kowa Co Ltd Burton Dura Test 6X15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, “ PLUM ” marking so mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo Burton Dura Test 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code X Burton Dura Test 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME * Bushnell binoculars : Bushnell inc and predicessors were owners of U.S. trademark #73172294 holder 1978-present with first use in 1950 for “Bushnell” for binoculars. Bushnell also held trademarks for “Broadfield “ in multiple countries X Bushnel (engraving error, “L” missing) 6x25 cF binoculars Blk/Sil, X Bushnell 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, marked as made by “ AOCo ”Asahi Optical Co Bushnell 6x15 IF MIOJ binoculars Blk/Sil, marked as “ AOCo ” Asahi Optical Co “ occupied Japan ”, 1945-Apr 1952 Bushnell 6x15 IF MIOJ binoculars All blk w/ silver rings, marked “ AOCo ” Asahi Optical Co “ occupied Japan ” 1945-Apr 1952 X Bushnell 6x15 IF MIOJ binoculars All Silver, ME, no Asahi markings, no mfgr code, “ occupied Japan ” 1945-Apr 1952 Bushnell 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Gold, marked as made by ” AOCo ” Asahi Optical Co X Bushnell 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Gold Bushnell 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, marked as made by ” AOCo ” Asahi Optical Co X Bushnell 6x15 CF binoculars A ll Silver, ME, variant 1 , JB5 /mfgr: Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd JE7 / parts Nippon Kogaku Kogyo X Bushnell 6x15 CF binoculars A ll Silver, ME, variant 2 “ BOL ” mark ( B ushnell O ptical Lab) JB5 /mfgr: Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd. Bushnell 6x15 CF binoculars A ll Silver, ME, variant 3 , JE50 /metal parts manufacturer Tanaka Koki Seisakujo. Inc. X Bushnell 6x15 CF binoculars brass w/ blk frame, “BM” marked, ME, JE50 /parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo X Bushnell 6 x 15 CF binoculars gold/chocolate brown, no manufacturer code or mfgr indication Bushnell 6x18 IF MIOJ binoculars All Silver Bushnell 6x25 Broadfield CF binoculars Blk/Sil, marked as made by “ AOCo ” Asahi Optical Co X Bushnell 6x25 Broadfield IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, marked as made by “ AOCo ” Asahi Optical Co no mfgr code X Bushnell 6x25 Broadfield IF MIOJ binoculars All Black, marked as made by “ AOCo ” Asahi Optical Co 1945-1952 X Bushnell 6x25 Broadfield IF binoculars All Black, marked as made by “ AOCo ” Asahi Optical Co X Bushnell 7x15 IF binoculars All Silver, ME, “ MSK ” logo Meiji Seiko Kogaku , no manufacturer code X Bushnell 7x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, marked as made by “ AOCo ” Asahi Optical Co (pre Pentax), no mfgr code Bushnell 7x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JE50 /metal parts manufacturer Tanaka Koki Seisakujo. Inc. Bushnell 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil X Bushnell 7x18 IF binoculars All Silver (variant 1) “ MSK ” marked Meiji Seiko Kogaku , no mfgr code X Bushnell 7x18 IF binoculars All Silver (variant 2) no manufacturer code Bushnell 7x18 CF binoculars All Silver JE50 /metal parts manufacturer Tanaka Koki Seisakujo. Inc. X Bushnell 7x18 CF binoculars All Silver “ BOL” marked ( B ushnell O ptical L aboratory) JE7 / parts Nippon Kogaku Kogyo Bushnell 8x20 CF binoculars Brass/Gold color ByVision 6x25 IF T.O.M Co, MOIJ binoculars Blk/Sil, marked “ occupied Japan ”, may be Toho Optical Mfg Co ? |
Miniature Binocular Brand Names “A”-”B” Markennamen von Miniaturferngläsern „A“-„B“. Marques Miniatures de Jumelles «A»-«B». ミニチュア双眼鏡の銘柄。名 ┌ A┐-┌B┐. Миниатюрные бинокли торговой марки «A»-«G». Miniatyr Kikare Varunamn “A“-“B“. Prismáticos en Miniatura Nombres de Marca «A»-«B» . Miniatura Binocolo Marchi «A»-«BG». |
Japanese External Reverse Porro Prism Binoculars. VIRTUAL MUSEUM |
Previously little information was available about what brands of miniature binoculars had been made, in what powers, or who made them. My research has amassed a fair amount of information. Vorher waren wenig Informationen verfügbar über, welche Marken von Miniaturferngläsern gemacht worden waren. Oder wer die Ferngläser herstellte. Meine Forschung hat einen angemessenen Betrag Informationen angesammelt. Précédemment peu d'information était disponible au sujet de quelles marques des jumelles miniatures avaient été faites, ou qui les a faites. Ma recherche a trouvé beaucoup d'informations 以前 は、どのような小型双眼鏡のブランドが作られたか、どの倍率で作られたのか、誰がそれらを作ったのかについての情報はほとんどなかった。私の研究では相当量の情報が蓄積されています |
BINOCULARS ABBREVIATIONS . FERNGLAS-ABKÜRZUNGEN BRÉVIATIONS DE JUMELLES MIOJ : M ade In Occupied Japan: Hergestellt in besetztem Japan, Fabriqué au Japon occupé X : Binoculars in our collection: Fernglas in meiner Sammlung, Jumelles dans mon recueil CF : Center Focus: Mitteltreib, Systčme pointe central IF : Individual focus: Okular Einzeleinstellung, chaque optique est réglable séparément Blk/Sil : Black & Silver: schwarze und silberne Farben, couleurs noires et argentées JB : manufacture code for company assembling the binocular: Kodierte Markierung der Firma das binokulare zusammenbauend, inscription de la compaignie qui assemblant les jumelles JE : manufacture code for company providing metal parts, Kodierte Markierung der Firma von den Teilen, inscription de la compaignie qui fournient les pieces metalliques 6x15, 7x18: Power & Objective: Vergrößerung und Objektiv-Durchmesser, Grossissement et Diamčtre de l'objectif, U ME : Unpainted Metal Eyepieces, PME: Black Painted or Annodized Metal Eyepieces , RE : Rubber Eyepieces PE : Plastic Eyepieces SSM : Silk Screen surface Markings (xxx market) : believed intended for US market unless noted otherwise, and Binoculars believed of Japan origin unless noted, Die Ferngläser, die vom japanischen Ursprung, für amerikanischen Markt geglaubt wurden, waren, wenn nicht anders vermerkt. Jumelles jumelles de l'origine japonaise, pour le marché américain, étaient, sauf indication contraire. |
双眼鏡 のブランド名 |
** REVISED 12/20/2018 ** This research collection currently holds around 867 different miniature binoculars |
ミニチュア双眼鏡 |
懐 かしの双眼鏡 |
CONTACT US WITH INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: miniature.binoculars@gmail.com |