Japanese External Reverse Porro Prism Binoculars. VIRTUAL MUSEUM


Miniature Binocular Brand Names “H”-”M”. Markennamen von Miniaturferngläsern „H“-M„   . Marques Miniatures de Jumelles «H»-«M». ミニチュア双眼鏡の銘柄。名 ┌ H┐-┌M┐. Миниатюрные бинокли торговой марки «H»-«M». Miniatyr Kikare Varunamn “H“-“M“. Prismáticos en Miniatura Nombres de Marca «H»-«M». Miniatura Binocolo Marchi «H»-«M».

Previously little information was available about what brands of miniature binoculars had been made, in what powers, or who made them. My research has amassed a fair amount of information, and it is posted below for you. Vorher waren wenig Informationen verfügbar über, welche Marken von Miniaturferngläsern gemacht worden waren. Oder wer die Ferngläser herstellte. Meine Forschung hat einen angemessenen Betrag Informationen angesammelt. Précédemment peu d'information était disponible au sujet de quelles marques des jumelles miniatures avaient été faites, ou qui les a faites. Ma recherche a trouvé beaucoup d'informations


MIOJ : M ade In Occupied Japan: Hergestellt in besetztem Japan, Fabriqué au Japon occupé X : Binoculars in our collection: Fernglas in meiner Sammlung, Jumelles dans mon recueil CF : Center Focus: Mitteltreib, Système pointe central IF : Individual focus: Okular Einzeleinstellung, chaque optique est réglable séparément Blk/Sil : Black & Silver: schwarze und silberne Farben, couleurs noires et argentées JB : manufacture code for company assembling the binocular:   Kodierte Markierung der Firma das binokulare zusammenbauend, inscription de la compaignie qui assemblant les jumelles JE : manufacture code for company providing metal parts, Kodierte Markierung der Firma von den Teilen, inscription de la compaignie qui fournient les pieces metalliques 6x15, 7x18: Power & Objective: Vergrößerung und Objektiv-Durchmesser, ,Grossissement  et Diamètre de l'objectif , U ME : Unpainted Metal Eyepieces PME : Black Painted or Annodized Metal Eyepieces RE : Rubber Eyepieces PE : Plastic Eyepiece SSM : Silk Screen surface Markings (xxx market) : believed intended for US market unless noted otherwise, and Binoculars believed of Japan origin unless noted, Die Ferngläser, die vom japanischen Ursprung, für amerikanischen Markt geglaubt wurden, waren, wenn nicht anders vermerkt. Jumelles jumelles de l'origine japonaise, pour le marché américain, étaient, sauf indication contraire.

*Haco binoculars: See Super Haco binoculars

*Hakuba binoculars are a brand of exporter/distributor Hakuba Photo Industry Co. of Japan, formed in 1976 from predecessor Sanyo Photo Supply Corp. which held 6 US trademarks for “Hakuba” for photo products, but not specifically binoculars except for US trademarks # 74299062 and 74299063 both held 1992-1994 and both of which included binoculars

X Hakuba 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

* Halina binoculars : UK trademark owner 8/21/1956-present is W. Haking Enterprises Limited, 1401 Devon House, 979 King's Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

Halina 7x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB74 /mfg Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo, JE57 / parts mfgr Yoshimoto Kogaku Co. Ltd.

Halina 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil,

*Hambletonian binoculars: per US patent 657.365 of July 1953 a brand of Peerless Camera Stores, 415 Lexington, NY, NY, Also listed in Peerless 1954 ad as “Our Exclusive Imported Brand New Hambletonian Prism binoculars”

X Hambletonian binoculars 6x15 IF Blk/Sil, ME, variant 1 marked “ TOA” so mfgr: Toa Kogaku Ltd Tokyo, no mfgr code

X Hambletonian binoculars 6x15 IF Blk/Sil, ME, variant 2 marked “ Eikow ”, Eikow became Mizar Optical Instruments

X Hambletonian binoculars 6x15 IF Blk/Sil, UME , variant 3 marked “ EOC ”: Eikow Optical Co.

X Hambletonian binoculars 6x15 IF Gold/Blk

Hambletonian binoculars 6x15 IF Gold/Blk marked “ 24k gold”

Hambletonian binoculars 8x20 CF Blk/Sil

X Hamilton 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Si

X Hamilton 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

Hampion 12X50 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, (European market)

*Hansa binoculars: U.S. trademark # 73066606 for telescopes and riflescopes was Omiya Shahin Yohin Kabuski Kasha doing business as Omiya Photo Supply Co Ltd , Jimbocho 1-chome Kanda, Chyoda-Ku Tokyo Japan 1975-1998, with first use in commerce claimed as 1951. Distributed in the UK in the late 1960’s by J.J. Silber Ltd .

X Hansa 7x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, “ K ” logo so mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo, no manufacturer code

X Hansa 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME JB74 / mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo JE51 /parts Yoshimoto Kogaku Co. Ltd.

Hansa 7x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Hansa 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME JB74 / mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo JE51 /parts Yoshimoto Kogaku Co. Ltd.

Hansa 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, RE (Japan market)

Hansa 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME (Japan market)

Hansa 10x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Harpers 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, variant 1, MSC ” marked, so Meiji Seiko Co Ltd, no manufacturer code

Harpers 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, variant 2, lightweight ” marked

Harpers 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, variant 3 , JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc.

Harpers 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

Harpers 6x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Harpers 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code

Harpers 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JE50 / parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo

X Harpers 8x20 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, CE, no manufacturer code

Harpers 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

Harpers 10x20 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE , variant 1, JB93 /manufacturer: Seiwa Kogaku Co Ltd

X Harpers 10x20 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE, variant 2 marked “ MSC so Meiji Seiko Co Ltd

Harpers 10x30 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

*Harrison binoculars: Harrison Company of Montreal Quebec held Canadian trademark #UCA49821 for binoculars, telescopes and other items from 4/29/1954 to1984

Harrison 6x15 CF binoculars All gold color

* X Harrison Montreal 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB5 / “ MSC ” markings mfgr Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd (acquired Australian market)

X Healing 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE , JB93 /manufacturer: Seiwa Kogaku Co Ltd (UK mkt)

*Hedler binoculars: brand of photo products distributor Hedler Systemlight Gmbh of Runkel, Germany

Hedler 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil “ MSC ” marked, so Meiji Seiko Co Ltd (European market)

Hedler 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (European/German market)

X Helena 12x50 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code

*Hercules binoculars: See also binoculars by United Binocular. Hercules binoculars were reportedly “made by” Asahi Optical Co per David Bushnell, though Hercules may well be a brand of an Exporter or Trading Co having binoculars manufactured under contract by Asahi and not actually a brand controlled by Asahi Optical

Hercules 6x13 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Hercules 6x15 IF MIOJ binoculars WK ” logo, All Black, ME, no mfgr code, “ occupied Japan ”1945-Apr. 1952

Hercules 6x15 IF MOIJ binoculars Blk/Sil, no mfgr code, “ occupied Japan ”1945-Apr. 1952 no mfgr code

X Hercules 6x18 IF MIOJ binoculars Blk/Sil, Blk prism covers, “ occupied Japan ”1945-Apr. 1952, no mfgr code

X Hercules 6x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code

Hercules 6x18 IF binoculars All silver

X Hercules 6x20 IF MIOJ binoculars Blk/Sil, w/ blk prism covers “ occupied Japan ”1945-Apr. 1952, no mfgr code

*Herters binoculars: Herters was a mail order outdoor outfitter from around 1947 until it’s bankruptcy in 1981

X Herters 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil JB001 /manufacturer Toa Kogaku Co. Ltd., Tokyo

X Herters 6x25 IF binoculars Blk/Sil JB93 /manufacturer: Seiwa Kogaku Co., JE50 /parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo

X Herters 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Herters 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME JB231 /mfgr Tochihara Optical Co Tokyo

*Heiland Pentax binoculars: the Heiland division of Honeywell distributed Asahi Optical Co. Pentax products in the USA from around 1959 until 1977, See also AOCo, Pentax, Honeywell Pentax

Heiland Pentax 6x25 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, Asahi Optical Co, Tokyo

manufacturer: Seiwa Kogaku Co, Ltd JE84 / parts Oei Kogaku Co Ltd

X Hilton 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code

X Hilton Power Guide 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, variant 1 TOA ” marked so mfgr TOA Kogaku Co Ltd

Hilton Power Guide 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, variant 2 no markings

Hippos 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil ( Europe market)

Hippos 6x15 CF binoculars All silver, UME ( Europe/Sweden market)

*HK Ideal Helgoland binoculars: believed mark of jeweler and optical trader Henry Kaufman on the island of Helgoland in Germany (acknowledgement Manifred from Neuss)

HK Ideal Helgoland 6X15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (European market)

X HK Ideal Helgoland 7X18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME , JB5 /mfgr Meiji Seiko Co JE57 / parts Yoshimoto Kogaku (Europe market)

HK Ideal Helgoland 10X40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Europe market)

HK Ideal Helgoland 12X50 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB93 /manufacturer: Seiwa Kogaku Co Ltd (European market)

* H.O.C. binoculars: based on H.O.C. markings and JB56 / H yoshi O ptical C o observed on some Mayflower binoculars, HOC is believed to be Hiyoshi Optical Co. Hiyoshi also made various size binoculars for Vixen and Swift. HOC is also encountered in association with the “Ocean” brand name.

HOC 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Swedish market)

H.O.D. Kraft 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil UME, (UK market)

H.O.D. Kraft 10x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB74 / mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo (UK market)

*Honeywell binoculars: see also Asahi binoculars; Pentax binoculars; Hieland binoculars. The Heiland division of Honeywill distributed Asahi Optical Co Pentax products in the USA from around 1959 until 1977, some marked Heiland Pentax and some marked Honeywell Pentax.

X Honeywell Pentax 6x15 IF binoculars marked “ Asahi Optical Co JB6 Asahi Kogaku Kogyo JE49 parts Sankyo Kogaku Kogyo

Honeywell Pentax 6x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

Honeywell Pentax Asahi 7x25 IF binoculars JB6/ Asahi Kogaku Kogyo Co. Ltd., JE49 parts Sankyo Kogaku Kogyo Co. Ltd.

*Hope binoculars seems to a line of various size binoculars sold mostly in the Japanese market

X Hope 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil MSC ” marked so Meiji Seiko Co Ltd

Hope 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

*Horizon binoculars: Gale’s “Brands and Their Companies” claims Horizon binoculars were a product of Hurricane International of San Francisco California USA, confirmed by a box label, which is probably the same entity as Hurricane Import Co., 701 Fourth St., San Francisco, Caifornia, who imported Mirador and Limer binoculars in the 1960’s. Hurricane Horizon binoculars seem US market, Horizon seem to be UK/Europe market.

Horizon 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

Horizon 6x15 IF binoculars All Sil, ME

Horizon 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME , JE50 / parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo (Netherlands/ European market)

Horizon 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

Horizon 7x23 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

Horizon 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

Horizon 7x28 IF binoculars All Silver

Horizon 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, JE7 /metal parts Nippon Kogaku Kogyo (UK market)

Horizon 10x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil w. blk objective bbls, JB93 / manufacturer Seiwa Kogaku (European market)

*Hoya binoculars: See also Marbo Hoya binoculars

*Hoya binoculars: US trademark # 73024244 for Hoya for binoculars claiming use since 1951 was held by K.K. Hoya Glass and successor Hoya Corp, 6/1974 to present.

X Hoya 6x15 CF Blk/Sil, ME, “ Naoki” marked, JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc.

X Hoya 7x15 CF Blk/Sil variant 1, JB93 / mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co

X Hoya 7x15 CF Blk/Sil variant 2, JB231 /mfgr Tochihara Optical Co Tokyo

Hoya 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Hoya 7x18 CF binoculars variant 1, Blk/Sil JB231 /mfgr Tochihara Optical Co. Ltd. Tokyo

X Hoya 7x18 CF binoculars variant 2, Blk/Sil JB93 / manufacturer Seiwa Kogaku

Hoya 7x18 CF binoculars variant 3, Blk/Sil “ MSC” marked, Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd

Hoya 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Hoya 8x20CF binoculars Blk/ Sil

Hoya 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/ Sil

X Hoya 10x30 CF binoculars Blk/ Sil JB93 / manufacturer Seiwa Kogaku

Hoya 12x50 CF binoculars Blk/ Sil JB93 / manufacturer Seiwa Kogaku

X Humburg 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE , JB93 / manufacturer Seiwa Kogaku, “ IS” logo, (UK market)

Hunter 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market)

Hunter 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market)

Hunter Golden Deluxe 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market)

Hunter Golden Deluxe 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market)

Hunter 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market)

*Hurricane binoculars are believed a product of Hurricane Import Co. 701 Fourth St., San Francisco Ca who imported Mirador and Limer binoculars in the 1960’s, and imported Horizon binoculars. Filed for trademark for binoculars on Sept 18, 1953 with application serial # 653,377 (believe refused or withdrawn)

Hurricane 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Hurricane 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB5 /mfgr Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd., JE50 / parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo

X Hyperion 6x15 IF MIOJ all black, no manufacturer code

*Hy Score Grand View binoculars: US trademark #72322772 was held for Hi Score for binoculars, riflescopes, and air guns by US importer/distributor S.E. Laszlo of Brooklyn NY from Dec 1970-1992 with first used claimed in 1960

X Hy Score Grand View Thoroughbred 6x15 IF binoculars “mod 375” TJK ” marked (Toyo Jitsugo KK exporter), Blk/Sil JB93 /

*Impakta binoculars: probably a brand name used by US importer distributor Photo Audio Consumer Electronics Corp

Impakta 10x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

*Imperial binoculars: As a combined brand model name on binoculars Linet Imperial, Braun Imperial ,Dolland Imperial Aitchison Imperial care observed and Tasco Sales held a 1960 design trademark for a Tasco Imperial logo. None believed associated with following. Imperial Optical Co Ltd of Toronto Ontario held Canadian word trademark $64240 for “Imperial”10/24/1908-2004 for binoculars which may be related to following

X Imperial 6x15 binoculars Blk/Sil

X Imperial 7x18 binoculars Blk/Sil variant 1, JB69 /mfgr Akebono Kogyo Co. JE50 / parts Tanaka Koki Seisakujo TJK marking for manufacturer/exporter T oyo J itsugo K ogaku KK/Oriental Trading Co

Imperial 7x18 binoculars Blk/Sil variant 2, JB93 / manufacturer Seiwa Kogaku, JE50 / parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo

X Imperial 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Imperial 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil MSC marked so Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd

*Invincible binoculars was a brand name used on binoculars by UK based C.W.S./Cooperative Wholesale Society

Invincible 8x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

Invincible 8x28 CF binoculars (UK market)

X Invincible 10x30 CF binoculars (UK market)

I.O.C. is Itabashi Optical Manufactiring Co. Japan

Iris 6x15 IF binoculars (Japan market)

Iris 6x15 CF binoculars (Japan market)

Iris 12x20 CF binoculars (Japan market)

*Iveco logo as used on binoculars/ and optical goods German trademark#786262 was held by Israel Weissbort 3/1964-11/2002. Iveco Israel Weissbort was an Import Export firm in Stuttgart.

X Iveco 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil Vergutete Optik (wide angle) JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc. (European mkt)

Iveco 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB231 /mfgr Tochihara Optical Co. Ltd. Tokyo  (European market)

Iveco 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB93 / manufacturer Seiwa Kogaku, JE50 / parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo (European mkt)

X Iveco 10x30 CF Vergütete Optik (wide angle) Blk/Sil , black objective barrels, (European & Japan market)

“Jana binoculars” are believed the product of Leah Jana Enterprises Inc. and ‘”Jana Enterprises Inc”, but this is based on circumstantial evidence so far

Jana 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Jana 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil ME

X Jana Deluxe 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, CE

X Jana Deluxe 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, variant 1: angled objective housings, no manufacturer code

X Jana Deluxe 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE, variant 2: bell shape objective housings, marked “ DOS ” in 2 spots

X Jana Deluxe 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Si JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc.

Jana Deluxe 8x28 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Jana Deluxe 9x20 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE

X Jana Deluxe 9x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku

*Jason binoculars: US trademark #73531551 for Jason for binoculars was held by Jason/Empire of Kansas, USA from 1985-2006 with first use claimed inb Dec 1950.

X Jason 6x15 IF binoculars a ll chrome, CE, “ AKC ” logo so Akebono Kogyo Co

Jason 6x15 IF MIOJ binoculars Blk/Sil

X Jason 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku, JE50 /parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo

Jason 7x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market)

X Jason 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, no manufacturer code \

X Jason 7x18 IF binoculars All silver AKC ” logo so Akebono Kogyo Co

Jason 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku

JCB 8x CF binoculars Blk/Sil (European market)

Jewel 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

*John Barker & Co Ltd. was an emporia of 64 departments on the high street Kensington with associated premises occupying virtually every spot between King and Young streets in Kensington London England. Sold binoculars marked to them.

*Joim binoculars: some Joim binoculars boxes are observed to also have “Tosco” markings and Tosco may be a brand of Japanese photo equipment supplier S. Ishimitsu & Co., so Joim may also be their brand

Joim 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market)

Joim 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market)

June 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil “Kuroki” marked: Kuroki Optical Co Ltd. (UK market)

*Jupiter binoculars: see AOCo binoculars

*Jupiter binoculars: Jupiter was a US trademark #72203781 brand of Asahi Optical Co Ltd from Aug 1965 to present with first use claimed as Jan 1948, later assigned to Pentax Corp, then to Hoya Corp through merger, then to Ricoh Pentax Imaging Co. Ltd, and also held in as a trademark in multiple countries.

Juwel 6x15 IF binoculars mostly black (Italy market)

*Kalimar binoculars are a brand of distributor Kalimar Inc and successor Tiffen Co. LLC., Happauge New York, 11788, USA with camera use from 1954 and a US binoculars (logo) TM#74321727 from 1991, and with Canadian trademark #TMA108197 for Kalimar for binoculars 1957-2017

X Kalimar 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME , variant 1 AKC ” logo Akebono Kogyo Co

X Kalimar 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME , variant 2 I ” logo

X Kalimar 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE , variant 3 JB001 /manufacturer Toa Kogaku Co. Ltd.

Kalimar 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, variant 4 model K7062

X Kalimar 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, “ AKC ” logo Akebono Kogyo Co

X Kalimar 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, variant 1, JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co Ltd, JE84 /metal parts mfgr Oei Kogaku Co Ltd

X Kalimar 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil model K7079, variant 2, JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co Ltd, JE84 / parts Oei Kogaku

Kalimar 7x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co Ltd, JE84 / parts mfgr Oei Kogaku Co Ltd

X Kalimar 10x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co Ltd

X Kalimar 12x50 CF binoculars , Blk/Sil, PE, JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co Ltd, JE50 /parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo

*Kanto binoculars/ Kanto Carol binoculars are brands of Kanto Optical Co ( Kantō Kōgaku Kabushiki Kaisha ) ( 関東光学株式会社 )

X Kanto Carol 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil variation 1 bright chrome

X Kanto Carol 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, variation 2 brushed chrome Kanto marked: Kantō Kōgaku Kabushiki Kaisha

Kanto Carol 6x15 IF MIOJ binoculars Blk/Sil variation 3 KOC marked so Kanto Optical Co

Kanto Carol 7x18 IF binoculars All Silver, ME

X Kanto Rosette 7x18 IF binoculars All Silver, UME , no manufacturer code

Karl Luzen 6x15 binoculars Blk/Sil,

X Karl Siez 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME “confusa-name” Japanese optics invoking “Carl Zeiss Jena” no mfgr. code

X Karl Stein 6x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co Ltd

Karl Stein 8x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Karlstlin 8x20 CF binoculars “Tag-Nacht” (day night), Blk/Sil, (German market)

Karl Weiz 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil “confusa-name” lines of Japanese optics invoking “Carl Zeiss Jena”

*Kenco binoculars: Kenco Co Ltd ( 株式会社 ケンコー ) holds US trademark # 73415992 for Kenco for binoculars, telescopes, & cameras 1984-present with first use claimed in 1975.

Kenko 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Kenko 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (variant 1) JE79 /parts Furukawa Kogaku Seisakujo

X Kenko 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE , (variant 2) JE7 /parts mfgr Nippon Kogaku

X Kenko 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, RE ,SSM, JB001 /manufacturer Toa Kogaku Co. Ltd.

Kenko 8x20 CF binoculars All silver, RE , (Japan market) may be of Chinese Manufacture

Kenko 8x20 CF binoculars All black (Japan market)

Kenko 10x20 CF binoculars All black (Japan market)

Kenko Skymate 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market)

X Kenko Skymate 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME , SSM, ( JB001 /manufacturer Toa Kogaku Co. Ltd. ( usually Japan market)

*Kent binoculars: Kent brand photo accessories are associated with Kalimar Inc/Kalimar Int, according to Gales ‘Brands and Their Manufacturers”

Kent Polaris 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Kent Optics Polaris 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

*Kestrel binoculars are odd in that at various times Swift Sport Optics, Mead Instruments and United Optics used it as a model name on certain full size binoculars, and Nikon held a US trademark on the Kestral name for binoculars for a short time in the 1990’s. In the UK importer Greenkat used the name on some full sized binoculars and held UK trademark #1055304 on “Kestral’ for binoculars from Nov. 1975-1996. Hilkerson and Enbeeco used the name on telescopes. The Greenkat trademark probably applies to the following binoculars.

X Kestral 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (UK market) MSC ” marked/ Meiji Seiko Co Ltd., JE50 /parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo

*King binoculars are the brand of Japanese photo products Asanuma & Co (Asanuma Shōkai) per box documentation

King 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

X King 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE , no manufacturer code (UK market)

King 10x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB93 /manufacturer: Seiwa Kogaku Co Ltd (UK market)

X King 12x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (UK market)

X King 15x50 CF binoculars Blk/Sil box marked mfgd Asanuma & Co Ltd, JB93 /manufacturer: Seiwa Kogaku Co Ltd (UK mkt)

KOL 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market)

X KOL 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market)

* KOIC binoculars marking= K uroki O ptical I nstrument C o. Ltd.

* KOC binoculars marking =  K anto O ptical C o (on Kanto/Glanz products) and /or K uroki O ptical C o. Ltd.

*Komura binoculars: Komura was a trademark (US #72134157 of 1962) of Sankyo Koki Co. Ltd., 69 Kita-Inaricho, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan used on a range of photo products, also probably a trademark in Japan. Sometimes assigned to importer Ehrenreich Photo Optical of NY, and in 1975 to Sankyo Koki renamed Komura Lens Mfg ltd/ Kabushiki Kaisha Komura Lens. First commercial use 1955.

Komura Lens Ltd 7x18 CF binoculars Black prism covers (Japan market)

Komura 8x20 CF binoculars All Black

Komura 10x20 binoculars

*Korvette and Korvettes binoculars (name appears both with and without S at the end) are documented on a miniature binoculars box as distributed by Korvettes Products Inc. which was a div of Spartans Ltd which was a parent Co of the NY USA regional discount Department store E.J. Korvette active 1948-1980. Spartans Industries Inc held  US trademark #72300014 for Korvette for binoculars 5/26/1970-citing first use inJune 1966, with trademark removed in1992.(Korvette Stores Limited in Canada is an unrelated entity)

Korvettes WITH ”S”

X Korvette s 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc.

Korvette s 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/ Sil

Korvettes 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

Korvettes 7x25 IF CF binoculars Blk/Sil

Korvette WITHOUT ”S”

Korvette 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Korvette 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc.

Korvette 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Kotobuki Sapporo 6x15 IF binoculars all black, pre-WWII

X Kotobuki Tokyo 6x15 IF binoculars all black, pre-WWII

*Kowa binoculars: Kowa Ltd of Japan and affiliates held US trademark #72140954) for Kowa for binoculars from 1963, and held Singapore trademark T6230904b from1962, and held US trademark 73458587 from 1985

Kowa 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

* K.S. binoculars marking= K oizumi S okki Mfg Co Ltd

* K.S.S. binoculars marking= K obyashi S eiki S eisakujo Ltd

*Kurt Muller Binoculars were apparently a brand of a portion of Canadian company Taymor Industries Ltd that operated as a outdoor and camping outfitter around 1969-2002 (the portion of the company handling builders and decorative hardware is still active)

X Kurt Muller Optica 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil E.B.L. marking, no manufacturer code

*Lafayette Binoculars: Lafayette Radio Electronics held Canadian trademark # 0178514 for Lafayette for binoculars from 11/15/1940 until expunged on 2/21/1988. Lafayette Radio Electronics in the USA used the “Lafayette” brand on a large percentage of everything they sold.

X Lafayette 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, marked “ TOA ” so manufacturer Toa Kogaku Ltd Tokyo, no mfgr code

*Lamay Binoculars: See also AoCo Lamay binoculars

X Lamay 6x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, “ K ” logo so mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo (Australia Market)

Lancia 12x50 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Lars 10x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE, “ MSC ” marked so Meiji Seiko Co Ltd., JE 57/ parts mfgr.Oji Kogaku Kikai Co. Ltd.

*Le Fils Paris binoculars are believed the brand of E. Colmont, Valette et Cie, Ave de la Republic, Paris, France

X Le Fils Paris binoculars  Blk, French, external prism covers, non miniature

Legis Archer Optics 6x15 IF binoculars AOCo marked Mostly Black, importer/distributor or retailer branded binoculars made by Asahi Optical Co

*Le Gran binoculars: US trademark holder #72386270 for binoculars was Le Gran Corp 3090 Airport Way Long Beach California 1972-1993 with first use claimed 1969-

X Le Gran 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB231 /mfgr Tochihara Optical Co Tokyo

X Le Gran 6x15 IF binoculars model no LE504 ” Blk/Sil, RE, JB231 /mfgr Tochihara Optical Co Tokyo

X Le Gran 8x20 CF binoculars model LE502 ” Blk/Sil no manufacturer code

Leman12 x50 CF binoculars Blk/ Sil “Vergutete Optik”, ”weit winkel” (Germany Market)

X Lemont 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE , “ coated optic ”, no manufacturer code

X Lemont 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Lemont 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

*Lentar binoculars: US trademark #73118822 for Lentar for binoculars was held by Interphoto Corporation, Palisades Park, California USA ) 1977-1999 with first use in 1964, Lentar was also a brand used by Lenco Photo Products from around 1947

X Lentar 10x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, has crown logo trademark of Hong Kong Exporter W. Haking Enterprises

X Lentar 12x50 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, has crown logo trademark of Hong Kong Exporter W. Haking Enterprises

*Lichter binoculars are believed a brand of Kanto Optical Co ( Kantō Kōgaku Kabushiki Kaisha ) ( 関東光学株式会社 ) also known as Kanto Optical Instrument Mfg Inc. 3 Shiba Kotohira-cho, Minatu-ku, Tokyo, Japan

X Lichter 6x18 IF MIOJ binoculars all silver, ME, marked “ KOC”: so Kuroki Optical Co Ltd. , occupied Japan

X Lichter 7x18 IF MIOJ binoculars all silver, ME, marked “ KOC”: so Kuroki Optical Co Ltd. , occupied Japan

X Lichter Custom 7x18 IF binoculars all silver, ME, no manufacturer code

*Lieberman & Gortz binoculars were a trade name of H&G/ Headquarters & General Supplies Ltd, 196/200 Coldharbor La, Loughboro Junct, London SE5 UK

X Lieberman & Gortz 12x50 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME (UK market)

*Light binoculars are a brand of Light Optical Works Ltd. founded in 1956 in Suwa Nagano prefecture in Japan and stiil active

Light 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market)

X Light “ MOC” 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, PME (Japan market)

Light “ TOC” 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

Light 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME JE50 /parts Tanaka Koki Seisakujo (Japan market)

X Lily 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil no manufacturer code

*Limer binoculars were believed imported to the US in the 1960’s by Hurricane Import Co 701 Fourth St., San Francisco Ca. Perhaps a Japanese exporter brand name as they also seem to appear in the UK.

X Limer 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil “ AOCo ” marked, mfgr Asahi Optical Co., (UK market)

Limer 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB231 /mfgr Tochihara Optical Co Tokyo

X Limer 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB93 /manufacturer Seiwa Kogaku Co Ltd

Limer 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (UK market)

X Limer 8x20 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Linden 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME. “ MSC ” marked so Meiji Seiko Co Ltd., no manufacturer code

X Linden 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB001 /mfgr Toa Kogaku Co.

*Linet binoculars are believed a brand of “Itoh Optical Co” and some full size Linet binoculars are so marked, and because of common JB number “Itoh Optical Co” is also known as Ito Kogaku Kikai Seisakujo Inc.

X Linet 10x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, “ MSC ” marked so Meiji Seiko Co Ltd JE50 /parts Tanaka Koki Seisakujo

*L.L. Bean binoculars were sold by the Maine USA catalog outdoor outfitter of the same name

X LL Bean 6x15 IF model 709 binoculars All Black PE (Note: these are Swift model 709 binoculars branded for LL Bean by the importer Swift) JB001 /mfgr Toa Kogaku Co. JE79 /parts Furukawa Kogaku Seisakujo

* Look binoculars: recently Copitar is known to use the Look brand or model name on binoculars. Not known if applicable.

Look 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB93 /manufacturer Seiwa Kogaku Co Ltd

X Lovely 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

*Lucifer binoculars are believed to be a brand of Akebono Kōgyō Seisakujo/ 曙光学工業 Akebono Optical Co Ltd

X Lucifer 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code 

X Lucifer A.K.C 6x15 IF MIOJ binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, “ occupied Japan ”, so 1945-Apr. 1952 “ AKC ” Akebono Kogyo Co

X Lucifer A.K.C 6x15 IF binoculars All Silver ME, “import” marked, no manufacturer code, (Sweden market)

Lucifer 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB69 /manufacturer Akebono Kogyo Co

X Lucifer 7x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB69 /manufacturer Akebono Kogyo Co

Lucifer AKC 7x15 IF binoculars All silver, NE (Europe market)

X Lucifer 7x18 IF MIOJ AKC binoculars Blk/Sil “ made in occupied Japan ”, so 1945-Apr.1952 “ AKC ”  Akebono Kogyo Co

X Lucifer AKC 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil “ AKC ” mark/ Akebono Kogyo Co

X Lucifer 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME JB69 /manufacturer Akebono Kogyo Co. JE50 /parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo

Lucifer 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME , (Japan market)

Lumen 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

*Lumion binoculars are usually associated as TOR Lumion binoculars, TOR Optical Trading Co. of Japan, founded in 1948

X Lumion 6x15 MIOJ IF binoculars Blk/Sil “made in occupied Japan ”, so 1945-Apr. 1952

Luex 8x20 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

*Luna binoculars believed are believed a brand of Berkey Marketing Co., a div of Berkey Photo, 25-20 Brooklyn Queens Expy, Woodside NY, also distributed in the UK in the late 1960’s by Pursers London.

Luna 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Luna 6x15 IF binoculars All silver, ME , “ Plum ” marking so mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo

X Luna 7x15 IF binoculars All silver, ME, “Luna by Scope”. K ” logo so mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo

X Luna 7x15 IF binoculars All silver, ME

Luna 7x15 CF binoculars All silver, ME, “ K ” logo so mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo

Luna 7x15 CF binoculars Gold color K ” logo/ Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo (Lupinus brand owned Kowa Co Japan)

Luna 7x18 IF binoculars All silver, ME

Luna 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

Luna 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market)

*Lupinus binoculars: US trademark #73460118 for Lupinus for binoculars, telescopes , microscopes & opera glasses was held by Kowa Optimed of Ca and later Kowa Co Ltd of JAPAN 1985-2006 but with first US use claimed as 1958; UK trademark #881446 for binoculars was held by Kowa Co Ltd 7/1965-9/2012 for binoculars , telescopes & cameras,: Canadian trademark TMA186176 for Lupinus for binoculars was held by Kowa Co Ltd 2/1972-5/2003 with first use in Canada in 1969 . Australian trademark#195829 for Lupinus was held by Kowa Co Ltd 9/7/1965-2000.The Osasaka Trade Directory list Kowa as distributor of wide variety of Lupinus optical products

Lupinus 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME

X Lupinus 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, “ K ” logo/ Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo

Lupinus 7x23 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

Lupinus 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME (UK market)

X Lupinus 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, “ K ” logo/ Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo

X Lupinus 10x20 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Lupinus 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

Lupinus 10x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

Lupinus 10x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil ME, (Japan market)

Lupinus 15x50 CF binoculars Blk/Sil ME, (Japan market)

Luxor binoculars: Luxor binoculars usually come in AOCo (Asahi Optical Co) marked cases suggesting AOCo manufacture

X Luxor 6x15 IF MIOJ binoculars Blk/Sil, no mfgr code,  marked “ made in occupied Japan ”, so 1945-Apr.1952

X Luxor 6x18 IF MIOJ binoculars Silver frame w/ black prism covers, ME, no mfgr code, “ occupied Japan ”, 1945-Apr.1952

Luxor 6x18 IF MIOJ binoculars All Silver, ME

X Lynden 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil JB1 /manufacturer Toa Kogaku Co. Ltd., Tokyo

X Lynden 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code

*Magna binoculars were claimed a brand of “manufacturer exporter” Tōkyō Kōgaku Kikai K.K. also known as Tokyo Opitical Co Ltd. in a 1951 advertisement that they ran in the Nippon Times, also claimed in 1961 book “Binoculars and Scopes“ by Robert Reichert

Magna 6 x 15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

*Magnon binoculars are a product of Japanese exporter H. Ogino & Co., Ltd.  of Yokohama Japan (est.1952). Successor Ogino Boeki Co Ltd of Yokohama Japan held US trademarks for Magnon for movie cameras & film apparatus from the 1960’s, and held Israeli trademark 47128 for Magnon for binoculars 1981-2000, and held .Singapore trademark T7049102D for binoculars 1970-1991

X Magnon 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME “ K ” logo/ Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo

Magnon 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

Magnon 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

*Mamiye binoculars are a binoculars brand that occasionally turns up (including in the domestic Japanese market, so not an importer brand), probably active around the 1970’s. Nothing to do with the well known Mamiya camera brand that held trademarks in Japan and the USA and which marketed some binoculars as well as fishing gear and golf equipment at various times

X Mamiye 8x20 CF binoculars “Naoki” marked, Blk/Sil, ME, JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc

*US trademark #72187837 for Manon for binoculars were held by Miura Shoji K.K. 206 New Kokusai Bldg. Marunouchi, Chiyoda-Ku, Japan 1964-2006. Manon binoculars were distributed in the late 1960s UK by Century Optical

Manon 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Manon 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (variant 1) K ” logo/mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo

X Manon 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (variant 2) JE7/ metal parts Nippon Kogaku Kogyo

X Manon 7x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code

Manon 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Manon 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, UME , JE7/ metal parts Nippon Kogaku Kogyo

Manon 7x23 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

Manon 7x23 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

*Marbo is a binocular brand often associated with Hoya Optical Co Ltd of Japan

X Marbo 6x15 IF binoculars all silver, ME

X Marbo 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil “ TOA” marked so Toa Kogaku Ltd Tokyo, no mfgr code

X Marbo Hoya 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, no manufacturer code

*the Marcury binoculars brand is another example of one that may be easily confused with something else such as the Mercury brand for binoculars which was reasonably common in the Japanese domestic market

X Marcury 7 x 18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME , no manufacturer code

Marine 8x20 CF binoculars vergutete ” (coated) Blk/Sil

Marine 12x50 CF binoculars “ weitwinkel” (wide angle) “ vergutete ” (coated) Blk/Sil JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku (Germany market)

*Marcus LVA binoculars are a brand of Edward Marcus Ltd UK. LVA is L ow V ision A ids.

X Marcus LVA 6 x 15 CF binoculars, Blk/Sil, “ NAOKI ”, JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc.

*Mark Cross binoculars: believed distributed by Mark Cross luxury goods distributor of pens, leather goods, desk accessories etc., which existed under various variations of corporate names and owners since 1845

X Mark Cross 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME , AOCo marked so Asahi Optical Co.

*Mark Scheffel binoculars: believed a product of Mark Scheffel Holdings Ltd trading as Scientific & Technical Ltd., Towerfield trading Est., Southend-on-Sea, Essex, UK circa 1968-1980

Mark Scheffel 8x20 Cf binoculars Blk/Sil (UK market)

X Maruzen 9x20 CF binoculars Lux Koyu logo, Blk/Sil, ME, no manufacturer code

Max 8x20 CF binoculars  Blk/Sil, ME (Germany market)

Max 10x20 CF binoculars  Blk/Sil, RE (Germany market)

X Mayar 8 x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE, no manufacturer code, (UK market)

*Mayfower binoculars and telescopes are believed a non trademarked brand of Colonial Optical Co Inc. 8401 S. La Cienega Blvd, Englewood, Ca. 90301

X Mayflower 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB231 /manufacturer Tochihara Optical Co Tokyo

Mayflower 6x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB93 /manufacturer: Seiwa Kogaku Ltd

Mayflower 7 x 18  IF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB231 /manufacturer Tochihara Optical Co Tokyo

Mayflower 7 x 18  IF binoculars Blk/Sil “ Lightweight ”, “ K ” logo/mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo

X Mayflower 7x18 CF binoculars (variant 1) Blk/Sil, ME, no manufacturer code

Mayflower 7x18 CF binoculars (variant 2) Blk/Sil, JB231 /manufacturer Tochihara Optical Co Tokyo

Mayflower 7x18 CF binoculars (variant 3) Blk/Sil, JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc

Mayflower 7x18 CF binoculars (variant 4) Blk/Sil JB93 /manufacturer: Seiwa Kogaku Ltd

Mayflower 7x18 CF binoculars (variant 5) Blk/Sil JB69 /manufacturer Akebono Kogyo Co.

Mayflower 7x18 CF binoculars (variant 6) Blk/Sil JE79 /parts Furukawa Kogaku Seisakujo

X Mayflower 7x18 CF binoculars (variant 7) Blk/Sil JB001 /manufacturer Toa Kogaku Co. Ltd., Tokyo

X Mayflower 7x18 CF binoculars (variant 8) Blk/Sil “ K ” logo/mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo

X Mayflower 7x18 CF binoculars (variant 9) Blk/Sil, U ME , JE7

X Mayflower 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB93 /manufacturer: Seiwa Kogaku Ltd

Mayflower 7x25 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

Mayflower 10x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

Mayflower 10x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB231 / manufacturer Tochihara Optical Co. Ltd. Tokyo

MCA ”( M usic C orporation of America) marked promotional AOCo Jupiter Sr 6x25 CF binoculars , Blk/Sil, ME

*Meibo binoculars: US trademark #71626506 for Meibo for binoculars was held 1954-1994 with first use in 1948 was held by Fuji Photo Optical Co Ltd.

*Meiji binoculars: it is believed that Meiji is a brand of Meiji Seiko Kogaku/ Meiji Seiko Co Ltd ( 明治精工株式会社 )

Meji 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil “ MSK ” logo so Meiji Seiko Kogaku (Sweden market)

Meji 7x23 CF binoculars Blk/Sil “ MSC logo so Meiji Seiko Co (UK market)

*MeNan binoculars are believed a brand of Meiji Seiko Kōgaku/ Meiji Seiko Co Ltd ( 明治精工株式会社 )

X MeNan 7x23 CF binoculars Blk/Sil “ MSC ” marked and JB5 /manufacturer: Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd

MeNan 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB5 /manufacturer: Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd

MeNan 7x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil “ MSC ” marked prism & pivot covers, manufacturer: Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd 

MeNan 10x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil “ MSC ” marked and JB5 /manufacturer: Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd  (UK market)

*Mercury binoculars: were a US trademark #72316540 brand for binoculars of Jason Empire Inc from Jan 1969-1989, and Mercury binoculars were distributed in the UK by E. Hill & Co Ltd. Mercury was also used as a model name by

the brands Copitar, & Hilkinson But the “Mercury” miniature binoculars below almost certainly are Japan domestic market use of the brand unrelated to any use elsewhere .

Mercury 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB231 / manufacturer Tochihara Optical Co. Ltd. Tokyo (Japan market)

Mercury 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japanese market)

X Mercury 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB231 / manufacturer Tochihara Optical Co. Ltd (Japan market)

X Mercury 7x35 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

Mercury 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market)

Mercury 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB231 / manufacturer Tochihara Optical Co. Ltd. Tokyo (Japan market)

X Mercury 12x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME no manufacturer code

Mercury 12x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB231 / manufacturer Tochihara Optical Co. Ltd. Tokyo (Japan market)

Mercury 12x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market)

Mercury 15x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market)

Mercury 15x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market)

Mercury 16x50 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, RE (Japan market)

*Michaud binoculars: believed a brand of US importer Michaud Inc of Los Angeles USA

X Michaud 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

* Micro Crown binoculars (Enbeeco) are a product of distributor Newbold & Bulford Ltd. UK

* Micro Executive binoculars: the use of Micro Executive as a model name has been observed on some Carl  Wetzar brand binocular, which was a brand og Canadian importer W. Carsen

Micro Executive 6x15 IF binocu l ars Blk/Sil

Micro Crown 7x20  CF binocu l ars Blk/Sil

Midget 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

*Micronta binoculars: Micronta was US trademark #71672248 of Radio Shack Corp./Tandy Corp1 for optical goods from Aug 1954-1996. Used on full size binoculars but uncertain if brand ever used on miniature pattern Japanese binoculars.

* Mikron: See Nippon Kogaku binoculars & Nikon binoculars. “Mikron” was a trademark of Nippon Kogaku/ Nikon, but other manufacturers and distributors could use “Micron” and did so

* Milo binoculars were distributed in the UK in the 1960’s by Newbold and Bulford Ltd. Some  “Milo” marked cleaning cloths also carry the name “International Trade Associates Inc” which may be a Japanese Tokyo based optical exporter of that name listed in a 1990 directory.

X Milo 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, UME , “K” logo JB74 / mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo, JE51 /parts Yoshimoto Kogaku (UK mkt)

Milo 6x15 CF binoculars All Gold color, ME (UK market)

Milo 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME

X Milo 8x20 CF binoculars variant 1 Blk/Sil, RE, no manufacturer code (UK market)

Milo 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil variant 2 JB74 /mfgr Omori Sogo Kogyo, JE51 /parts mfgr Yoshimoto Kogaku Co. (UK mkt)

Milo 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil variant 3 JB231 /manufacturer Tochihara Optical Co Tokyo

X Milo 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB231 /manufacturer Tochihara Optical Co Tokyo (UK market)

*Minerva binoculars : Opticron used “Minerva” as a model name on 8x30, 8x40,& 9x35 binoculars. Swift used “Minerva” as a model name on 6x30 binoculars. It is unlikely that either would be related to the following miniature pattern binoculars.

Minerva 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Germany market)

*Minette binoculars & Gold Star Minette binoculars are believed to be a product of the Japanese firm Minato Shokai Co Ltd. Of 4-49 Sumiyoshi-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231 (distributed Minette film viewers and Minette exposure meters). Photopia/Japanese Cameras was the UK importer for Minette brand exposure meters, bags tripods, etc and held the trademark 826737 for a Minette logo for cameras from 1961. Probably same Minette.

Minette 7x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Minette 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JE7/ metal parts Nippon Kogaku Kogyo

*Minox binoculars are a trademark brand of Minox GmbH, Germany, in the USA, Germany, Australia, Singapore, and Internationally.

X Minox BD 6x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, RE, recent manufacture, believed made in China

X Minox 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, RE, recent manufacture, believed made in China\

Minox 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, RE, (conventional Japanese miniature binoculars) (Sweden market)

X Minster 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB1 /manufacturer Toa Kogaku Co. Ltd), Tokyo (UK market)

*Mint Casino Promotional binoculars: See Sahara casino promotional binoculars

*Minuette binoculars: see also Atco binoculars

Minuette 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

Minuette 7x18 IF binoculars All Silver

Minuette 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME variant 1 JB74 /mfgr Omori Sogo Kogyo, JE51 /parts Yoshimoto Kogaku Co. Ltd

X Minuette “ GFC ” 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME variant 2 CFC ” marking, “ K ” mark so mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku

X Minuette 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE, variant 3 no manufacturer code

Minuette 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE variant 4 JB231 /manufacturer Tochihara Optical Co Tokyo

X Minuette 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE variant 5 no manufacturer code, “ K ” mark so mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku

*Mirakel binoculars: product of Harwix Optische Berlin Germany, 1925 patent holder Ewald Harwix, U.S. distributor Mirakel Distributors of Washington, DC. Mirakel still exists ias the successor to the US distributor.

X Mirakel (Harwix) 5x65 IF binoculars All Black (made in Germany1920’s/1930’s), made with bakelite body

Mirakel 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil (conventional Japanese miniature binoculars) ( Europe market)

X Mitsuka 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc ( UK market)

*Mizar binoculars: product of Mizar Tech, Mizar Optical Instruments, Japan

Mizar 7x18 CF binoculars All Black, RE

Mizar 8x21 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

Mizar 10x20 CF binoculars All Black, RE

MLC 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB74 /mfgr Omori Sogo Kogyo, JE51/ parts Yoshimoto Kogaku Co. (European market)

X Monofot 6X15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB5 /manufacturer: Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd

Monofot 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, JE50/ metal parts manufacturer: Tanaka Koki Seisakujo (European market)

X Mora 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/ satin chrome “ NAOKI” marked JB1/ mfgr Toa Kogaku Co, JE50/ parts: Tanaka Koki Seisakujo

X Mora 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/shiny chrome “ TOA” marked mfgr Toa Kogaku Co

X Mora 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil JB001/ mfgr Toa Kogaku Co. Ltd JE50/ metal parts mfgr: Tanaka Koki Seisakujo

*Montgomery Wards binoculars : see Wards binoculars

* MSC = Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd

* MSK = Meiji Seiko Kogaku

*Mt Fuji binoculars: (not associated with Fuji/ Fujinon binoculars or Fujifilm)

X Mt Fuji 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (variant 1) JB231/ manufacturer Tochihara Optical Co. Ltd. Tokyo

X Mt Fuji 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, CE, (variant 2) NAOKI” marked JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc

Mt Fuji 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Mt Fuji 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB93/ manufacturer: Seiwa Kogaku Ltd

Mt Fuji 12x50 CF binoculars Blk/Sil

X Muse 7x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, PME, no manufacturer code

X Muse Tokyo 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil

Muse Tokyo 10x24 IF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market )


双眼鏡 のブランド名



** REVISED 12/20/2018 **

This research collection currently holds around 867 different miniature binoculars