Japanese External Reverse Porro Prism Binoculars. VIRTUAL MUSEUM |
ミニチュア双眼鏡 |
双眼鏡 のブランド名 |
懐 かしの双眼鏡 |
Miniature Binocular Brand Names “C”-”G” Markennamen von Miniaturferngläsern „C“-„G“. Marques Miniatures de Jumelles «A»-«G». ミニチュア双眼鏡の銘柄。名 ┌ C┐-┌G┐. Миниатюрные бинокли торговой марки «C»-«G». Miniatyr Kikare Varunamn “C“-“G“. Prismáticos en Miniatura Nombres de Marca «C»-«G» . Miniatura Binocolo Marchi «C»-«G». |
Previously little information was available about what brands of miniature binoculars had been made, in what powers, or who made them. My research has amassed a fair amount of information. Vorher waren wenig Informationen verfügbar über, welche Marken von Miniaturferngläsern gemacht worden waren. Oder wer die Ferngläser herstellte. Meine Forschung hat einen angemessenen Betrag Informationen angesammelt. Précédemment peu d'information était disponible au sujet de quelles marques des jumelles miniatures avaient été faites, ou qui les a faites. Ma recherche a trouvé beaucoup d'informations. 以前 は、どのような小型双眼鏡のブランドが作られたか、どの倍率で作られたのか、誰がそれらを作ったのかについての情報はほとんどなかった。私の研究では相当量の情報が蓄積されています. Ранее было мало информации о том, какие марки миниатюрных биноклей были сделаны, в каком увеличении или кто их создал. В моем исследовании накоплен достаточный объем информации |
BINOCULARS ABBREVIATIONS. FERNGLAS-ABKÜRZUNGEN . BRÉVIATIONS DE JUMELLES MIOJ : M ade In Occupied Japan: Hergestellt in besetztem Japan, Fabriqué au Japon occupé X : Binoculars in our collection: Fernglas in meiner Sammlung, Jumelles dans mon recueil CF : Center Focus: Mitteltreib, Système pointe central IF : Individual focus: Okular Einzeleinstellung, chaque optique est réglable séparément Blk/Sil : Black & Silver: schwarze und silberne Farben, couleurs noires et argentées JB : manufacture code for company assembling the binocular: Kodierte Markierung der Firma das binokulare zusammenbauend, inscription de la compaignie qui assemblant les jumelles JE : manufacture code for company providing metal parts, Kodierte Markierung der Firma von den Teilen, inscription de la compaignie qui fournient les pieces metalliques 6x15, 7x18: Power & Objective: Vergrößerung und Objektiv-Durchmesser, Grossissement et Diamètre de l'objectif , U ME : Unpainted Metal Eyepieces, PME: Painted Black Painted or Annodized Metal Eyepieces, RE : Rubber Eyepieces PE : l Plastic Eyepieces, SSM : Silk Screen surface Markings (xxx market) : believed intended for US market unless noted otherwise, and Binoculars believed of Japan origin unless noted, Die Ferngläser, die vom japanischen Ursprung, für amerikanischen Markt geglaubt wurden, waren, wenn nicht anders vermerkt. Jumelles jumelles de l'origine japonaise, pour le marché américain, étaient, sauf indication contraire. |
** REVISED 12/20/2018 ** This research collection currently holds around 867 different miniature binoculars |
* Cadillac binoculars were a brand of US trademark # 71662080 holder Compass Instrument & Optical Co from 3/1954-1996 X Capitol 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, CE, JB93 /manufacturer Seiwa Kogaku Co Carl Dietz 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil Carl Henrich 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil Carl Henrich 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Canada market) *Carl Seitz binoculars: Japanese optics invoking “Carl Zeiss” and “E. Leitz. Carl Seitz binoculars were advertised in Canada by retailers in the 1960’s. Importer not identified. Carl Seitz 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil Japanese optics invoking “Carl Zeiss Jena” “E. Leitz Wetzlar *Carl Wetzlar binoculars: brand name created to sound like famous optics manufacturers “Carl Zeiss Jena”/ “Hensoldt Wetzlar”/“E. Leitz Wetzlar”, these Japanese binoculars were imported to the Canadian market by W. Carsen Co Ltd., 31 Scarsdale Rd, Don Mills, Ontario, Canada and were advertised by Canadian retailers around 1962-1975 X Carl Wetzlar 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil (variant 1) no manufacturer code (Canada Market) X Carl Wetzlar 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil (variant 2) JB47 / mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc JE50 / parts mfgr Tanaka Koki X Carl Wetzlar 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil (variant 3) JB69 /mfgr Akebono Kogyo (Canada Market) X Carl Wetzlar 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Canada Market) Carl Wetzlar 8x20 IF binoculars Blk/Sil (Canada Market) X Carl Wetzlar 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, (variant 1) no manufacturer code or marking (Canada Market) Carl Wetzlar 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (variant 2)“ MSC ” logo so Meiji Seiko Co Carmen 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME (Japan market) *Carol binoculars: see also Kanto binoculars *Carton binoculars: US trademark # 76396103 holder for binoculars, telescopes, microscopes & opera glasses 2003-present with first use 1964 , and Japanese trademark # 4095350 for telescopes binoculars opera glasses with first use Feb 1964 is Carton Optical Industries Ltd Japan Carton 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market) X Carton 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, (variant 1) JE7 metal parts Nippon Kogaku X Carton 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, (variant 2) “ MSC ” logo so mfgr. Meiji Seiko Co. JE50 / parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo Carton 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, (variant 3) JB231 /mfgr Tochihara Optical Co. Ltd. Tokyo, (Japan market) Carton 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, (variant 4) JB47 / mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc X Carton 6x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, UME X Carton 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, (variant 1) “ K ” logo so mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo, no manufacturer code X Carton 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, (variant 2) “ MSC ” logo so mfgr. Meiji Seiko Co. JE50 / parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo X Carton 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, (variant 1) no manufacturer code or markings Carton 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, (variant 2) JB231 /mfgr Tochihara Optical Co. Ltd. Tokyo Carton 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, (variant 3) “ K ” logo so mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo Carton 9x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, Carton 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, (variant 1) JB93 /manufacturer Seiwa Kogaku Co X Carton 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, (variant 2) “ K ’ logo so mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo, no mfgr code X Carton 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil , RE (variant 3)“ NAOKI ”marked, JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc Carton 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (variant 4) “ MSC ” logo so mfgr. Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd., (UK market) Carton 10 x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil Carton 10x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil , (NZ market) Carton 12x50 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB93 /manufacturer Seiwa Kogaku Co. Ltd Carton Perion 6x15 IF binoculars All black (Japan market) looks like pre war or early post war * Capitan binoculars: See AOCo binoculars *Celestron binoculars were a product of Valor Electronics/ Celestron Pacific during the 1960’s & 1970’s Celestron Silver Star 12x55 CF binoculars Blk/Sil importer/mfgr: since 1960’s Valor Electronics/ Celestron Pacific *Center binoculars : See also Astra binoculars & Apex binoculars X Center 6x15 CF Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code *Centura binoculars: US trademark #72321463 owner was Broadway Hale Stores 1969 –1992 with first use 1968 X Centura 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE , JB001 /manufacturer TOA Kogaku Co Ltd Centura 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil X Centura 6x15 CF “model 200” binoculars Blk/Sil Centura 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, *Century binoculars: UK importer/distributor Photopia hel UK trademark # 957981 for “CENTURY” for binoculars 1970-2006 *C.E.Z. binoculars: the C.E.Z. brand appears on various sizes of binoculars from around the early 1950’s occupation period. Probably an exporter brand due to wide observed geographic dispersal (US, UK, Canada, Australia, Asia) X C.E.Z. 6x15 IF binoculars All silver, no manufacturer code X C.E.Z. Jupiter 6x15 IF binoculars AOCo marked Blk/Sil, ME . , made by Asahi Optical Co X C.E.Z. Jupiter Sr 6x25 IF binoculars AOCo marked Blk/Sil, made by Asahi Optical Co X Champion 12x50 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (European market) *Charles Frank Ltd binoculars : Edinburgh Scotland optical importer & distributor ca 1974-present. For all Charles Frank binoculars and Frank Nipole binoculars : see Frank Nipole binoculars Clear 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market) *Clearsite binoculars : See also Shalco binoculars Clearsite 7x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil Clearsite 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil *Clearview binoculars : See Baker binoculars *Clover binoculars in conventional patterns often appear as “Subal Clover” with “Clover” in the same stylized font as on the binoculars below. Subal may be Subal Optical Inst. Co Ltd, Itabashi-Ku, Tokyo Japan (purely speculative) X Clover 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB001 /manufacturer TOA Kogaku Co Ltd (Australia market) Clover 10x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil Columbia 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (UK market) *Colonial binoculars are a brand of Colonial Optical Co Inc. 8401 S. La Cienega Blvd, Englewood, Ca. 90301 X Colonial 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code C.N.C. 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil X Combat 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, CE, “ TOA ” marked so so mfgr Toa Kogaku Co. Ltd, no manufacturer code Combat 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil *Comet binoculars: also see TOA binoculars, also see Aloma binoculars X Comet NK 6x1f IF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code Comet 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil *Commodore binoculars: UK trademark # 993978 for Commodore for binoculars held by Littlewoods Ltd, Skyways House, Speke Rd, Speke, Liverpool, UK from 1972 to 2017 UK distributors included Newbold and Bulford Ltd. X Commodore 6x15 IF binoculars All Black, JB001 /manufacturer TOA Kogaku Co Ltd (UK market) Commodore 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil *Sportsman binoculars: Sportsman brand binoculars were observed sold by the Sears Roebuck chain X Compac Sportsman 6x15 IF MIOJ binoculars (variant 1), no manufacturer code X Compac “Spopsman” 6x15 IF MIOJ binoculars (variant 2), no manufacturer code *Compass binoculars: US trademark # 72310541 for compass for binoculars was held by Compass Instrument & Optical Co Inc from 10/1968-1995 with first use claimed as 1937 Compass 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil Compass 6x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co. Ltd., Tokyo JE84 /parts mfgr Oei Kogaku Co. Ltd. X Compass 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil *Some Concord binoculars have been observed also having “Enbeeco” markings, linking the brand to Newbold and Bulford, UK Concord 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (UK market) *Condor binoculars were distributed in the UK in the late 1960’s by E. Hill & Co. Condor binoculars seemingly imported into the US by H. Cook of Albuquerque New Mexico ca 1956-1968. Brand is also found in the Japan market in various sizes X Condor Tokyo 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE , no manufacturer code *Constellation binoculars: the binoculars firm Vixen, which was involved in miniature binoculars, has used the model name “constellation” on binoculars at times, though unknown if related to the following binoculars Constellation 7x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil Constellation 7x23 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Europe market) Constellation 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil *Copitar binoculars: US trademark # 74259298 was held by Copitar Co Ltd 5 Chome,Nishi-Nippon, Arakawa-ku,Tokyo, Japan with first use claimed in 1966. Perhaps distributed in the US by Copitar USA (which later became Carson Optical”) Copitar 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (UK market) Copitar 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, RE (Japan market) Copitar 7x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, (UK market) X Copitar 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil “ NAOKI ” marked, JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc Copitar 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil Copitar 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, RE (Europe market) Cornell 6x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil X Cornell 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil X Cornell 9x21 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME JB69 /mfgr Akebono Kogyo JE50 / parts Tanaka Koki Seisakujo “ TJK ” (Toyo Jitsugo KK) Corona 6x15 binoculars Blk/Sil Cortina 7x15 binoculars Blk/Sil (UK market) Cortina 8x20 binoculars Blk/Sil (UK market) Cortina 10x20 binoculars Blk/Sil (UK market) *Cosmica binoculars of various powers show up in the UK market, distribution undetermined so far Cosmica 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil X Cosmica 10x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB93 /manufacturer Seiwa Kogaku Co. Ltd. (UK market) *Cosmos binoculars: some Cosmos brand binoculars are also marked Ofuna during the occupied Japan period and Cosmos may have been a brand distributed by Ofuna at that time. More recently and after the miniature binoculars time period Barska and Celestron have used Cosmos as a model name, presumed unrelated to following. X Cosmos 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil JB001 /mfgr TOA Kogaku Co Ltd JE79 Furukawa Kōgaku Seisakujo ( 古川光学製作所 ) X Cosmos 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil no manufacturer code (European market/ obtained from France) X Cosmos 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code *Courier binoculars: Courier is usually a model name of UK Chemist chain Boots for their branded binoculars. X Courier 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code *C.P.O. binoculars marking =occupied Japan era tax marking indicating authorized for export only X CPI Spectro 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB5 /mfgr: Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd, JE51 /parts Yoshimoto Kogaku X CPI Spectro 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code X Crescent 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, CE objective focus variant JB001 /mfgr: Toa Kogaku Co.Ltd (Australia market) X Crescent 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, CE ocular focus variant Crescent 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil objective focus variant “ MSK” marked so Meiji Seiko Kogaku X Crescent 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE ocular focus variant, “I” logo X Cricket 7x18 IF binoculars All silver, ME, no manufacturer code *Crown binoculars: Compass Instrument & Optical Co. Inc. NY. USA claimed exclusive right to Crown brand binoculars in their 1968 literature. Observed advertised by US retailers 1965-1976 X Crown 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil Crown 7x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil Crown 7x50 CF binoculars Blk/Sil *Crystal binoculars: see also Royal binoculars Crystal 6x15 IF binoculars All Black Crystal 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market) Crystal 6x15 IF MIOJ binoculars Blk/Sil X Crystal 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, (variant 1) “ TKK ” logo, no manufacturer code X Crystal 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, (variant 2) different logo than above, logo unknown, no mfgr code X CSC 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, RE , SSM (UK market) X CTA 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE , no manufacturer code *Cstar binoculars: US trademark #75442050 for CStar Optics was Cstar Optics Inc 1998-2006, US trademark/# 85362725 holder for CStar optics 2011to present is Lowell Enterprise Co. Ltd, Taiwan Cstar 8x20 CF binoculars all silver, RE , (current or recent production, presumably made in China) X Cstar 10x20 CF binoculars all silver, RE, (current or recent production, presumably made in China) Culture Tokyo 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil Culture Tokyo 6x15 IF binoculars Green *Dacote binoculars: believed a brand of Denver Colorado USA outdoor goods distributor Dave Cook X Dacote 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code X Dawn 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code *DBK binoculars : see Skyline binoculars Deitz 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil X Delica 6x(?)IF binoculars All Black, ME pre WWII (UK market) X Delicacy 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil “CPO” export only marked Delta 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil Delta 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market) X Delta Tohdai 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil *Denkar binoculars: probably a product of Denkar Industries Co., 3 Kanda, Nenbel-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan believed distributed in the UK by JJ Silber of 11 Northburgh St London EC1 X Denkar 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc, (UK & Europe market) Denkar 10x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (UK market) X Diamond 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME , no manufacturer code Diamond 6x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil X Diamond 7x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil Diamond 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil RE Diamond 12x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market) X Diamond 12x50 CF binoculars Blk/Sil “ K ” logo, JB74 / mfgr Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo, JE51 /parts Yoshimoto Kogaku *Dia Star binoculars: (Japanese?) trademark owner is Otsuka Optical Co. Ltd of Japan. Dia Star 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil *Dia Stone binoculars: trademark owner is Otsuka Optical Co. Ltd of Japan. Dia Stone 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market) *Dickson binoculars: there was a Dickson Co advertising a binoculars catalog in the US throughout 1973 operating from Kowloon Hong Kong, and “Dickson” brand full size binoculars are known, possibly related. X Dickson 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil PE , “ MSC ” logo so mfgr. Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd., no manufacturer code * Dollonds binoculars: UK optician chain Dollond and Aichison 1750-2009 (absorbed by the chain Boots the Chemist ) X Dollonds 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB5 /mfgr: Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd JE50 / parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo (UK market) Dox 6x15 CF binoculars All Black X Dream 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil X Duplex 6x15 binoculars Blk/Sil, “ AKC ” logo Akebono Kogyo Co *Dura Test binoculars: see Burton binoculars *Eagle binoculars : it is believed that Eagle as used on the following binoculars was a brand of Meiji Seiko Kogaku/ Meiji Seiko Co Ltd ( 明治精工株式会社 ) Eagle 7x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil “ MSC ” logo, mfgr: Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd. Eagle 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (UK market) Eagle 7x23 CF binoculars Blk/Sil “ MSC ” logo & JB5 /mfgr: Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd. (Europe market) Eagle 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE Eagle 7x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil “ MSC ” logo so mfgr. Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd. (UK market) X Eagle 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil “ MSC ” logo so mfgr. Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd. (UK market) Eagle 10x20 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, (Japan market) Eagle 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, “ MSC ” logo mfgr. Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd. JE50 / parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo( UK market) Eagle 10x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, “ MSC ” logo mfgr. Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd. (UK/Europe market) Eagle 15x50 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co. Ltd. (UK market) *Echo binoculars may have been a product of William Ainsworth Inc., which later became part of Brunton/Silva. But this is speculative. Brunton and Silva branded binoculars currently use the Echo model name. X Echo 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, marked “ TOA ” so mfgr Toa Kogaku Co. Ltd, no manufacturer code X Edakogaku Company 6x15 CF Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code Edelstahl 8x21 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Europe market) *E. Esdaile & Sones binoculars were distributed by E. Esdaile & Sons, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 1894-1962 X E. Esdaile & Sons Sydney 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, marked “ AKC ” so made by Akebono Kogaku Co Ltd (Australia market) X Eden 6x15 IF MIOJ binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, no manufacturer code, “ made in occupied Japan ”, so 1945-Apr.1952 Eden 6x15 IF MIOJ binoculars Blk/Sil, with black prism covers, ME, “ made in occupied Japan ”, *Edixa binoculars: US trademark#7206232 owner (for camera products: from 1957-1985 was Camera Specialty Co. Inc, 705 Bronx River Rd, Bronxville , NY, UK trademark owner for photographic products:from 1954 was Photopia X Edixa 8x20 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code *Ednar binoculars: US trademark # 73682369 for binoculars, microscopes, opera glasses, and spotting & rifle scopes 1988-1995 with first use 1974 was held by Ednar Inc, Kyodo Bldg, No 2-4-8 Kayabacho, Nihonbashi, C huo-Ku, Tokyo, Japan X Ednar 8x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil “Model 517”, JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co. Ltd X Ednar 10x40 CF binoculars “Model DL518”, Blk/Sil X EF 6x15 IF binoculars CF Blk/Sil *Eikow merged with and became Mizar Optical Instruments, see also Mizar in Distribution #6 Eikow 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market) Eikow 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil Eikow 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho X Eikow 7x18 CF binoculars All black,ME, JB1 /mfgr TOA Kogaku Co , (UK, Japan markets) Eikow 7x18 CF binoculars All black, RE (Japan market) Eikow 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market) Eikow 8x20 CF binoculars All black (Japan market) Eikow 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, RE (Japan market) Eikow 10x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, RE (Japan market) Eikow 12x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market) Eikow 12x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market) X Eikow Airport 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Eikow Airport 6x20 binoculars All black Eikow Airport 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho (Japan market) * E.K. binoculars marking= E nomoto K ogaku X Elko Prismatics 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE, no manufacturer code *The ”Elitar” and “Soligar” names were used on camera lenses by importers Allied Impex Corp NYC in the 1950’s but it is unclear if relevant to miniature binoculars Elitar 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (UK/ European market) *Elite brand binoculars are observed advertised by US retailers around 1960-1974 but importer is unknown. Later US trademark # 73832394 1990-present for binoculars with first used 1987 was Bausch & Lomb reassigned to Bushnell (not applicable to earlier binoculars below) X Elite 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, UME ,“ M.I.I .” marking, no manufacturer code X Elite 6x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co. Ltd X Elyte 7x18 ICF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code X Elko Prismatics 7x18 iF binoculars Blk/Sil no manufacturer code *Emhavee binoculars are probably the brand of a Dutch importer or photo optical retailer, brand observed used on binoculars, monoculars, microscopes, and camera tripods Emhavee 10x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil *Empire binoculars: US trademark # 72164856 for binoculars, telescopes, microscopes was held by Jason Empire, Overland Park, Kansas USA and predicessors 1963-2004 with claimed first use in 1958 Empire 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil variant 1, JB96 /mfgr Nikkei Optical Co Tokyo X Empire 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil variant 2, JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co. Ltd. JE50 /parts Tanaka Koki Seisakujo. Empire 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil variant 3, JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co. Ltd. JE84 /parts Oei Kogaku Co. Ltd X Empire 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil variant 4, JB231 /mfgr Tochihara Optical Co. Ltd. Tokyo Empire 7x18 CF binoculars “model 230” Blk/Sil variant 5 no mfgr code Empire 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil variant 6, JB1 /mfgr TOA Kogaku Co X Empire 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE, JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co Ltd JE17 /parts Otake Kogaku Kogyo Co Ltd Empire 7x35 CF binoculars Blk/Sil *Enbeeco binoculars are the product of distributor Newbold & Bulford Ltd , Enbeeco House, Grays Inn Rd London UK X Enbeeco Micron Crown 7x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code (UK market) *Encore binoculars: By design and Macau manufacture Encore binoculars were probably contracted through W. Haking, Hong Kong, by a US or UK importer X Encore 10x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, UME , “ Made in Macau ” * Ensign binoculars: Bushnell held US trademark # 74297548 for Ensign for binoculars, 1992-2003 with first use claimed 1983. One of the following occupied Japan period binoculars is marked OTC which during the occupation period was Bushnell’s primary exporter in Japan. X Ensign 6x15 MIOJ IF binoculars All black, no manufacturer code Ensign 6x15 MIOJ IF binoculars Blk/Sil X Ensign OTC 6x15 MIOJ IF binoculars All silver, ME, no mfgr code. “ made in occupied Japan ”, Oriental Trading Co Export mark Ensign 6x18 MIOJ IF binoculars Blk/Sil X Ensign 6x18 IF binoculars All silver, UME , no manufacturer code , X Ensign 7x18 IF MIOJ binoculars All Silver ,marked “ made in occupied Japan ”, so 1945-Apr.1952 * E.O.C. binoculars marking= E ikow O ptical C o. Ltd * E.P. binoculars marking =occupied Japan era tax making indicating for export only ERA 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil “ MSC ” logo so mfgr. Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd., *Esde Optik binoculars are believed the product of wholesale distributor Esde Optik of Mecedesstr.3 70372 Stuttgart ,Germany Esde Optik 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (European market) Esde Optik 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (European market) Esde Optik 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (European market) Esde Optik 10x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil “vergutete optik” marked (coated optics) (European market) Esde Optik 12x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (European market) Esde Optik Canelux 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (German market) *Evans binoculars: see Taihey binoculars Excel 6x15 MOC CF binoculars Blk/Sil , ME , (Japan market) Excel 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market) *Excelsior binoculars: UK importer /distributor Johnson Photopia held UK trademark # 947479 for “Excelsior” for binoculars Aug 1969-2004, EYE OPT 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market) *Falcon binoculars: UK importer Greenkat Ltd. held UK trademark #1135777 for “Falcon” for binoculars from 1980-2001. It is uncertain if this is relevant to the following binoculars, which presumably predated that time period. Falcon 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil Falcon 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil X Falcon 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code X Falcon 10x20 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, “ MSC ” marked , JB5 /manufacturer: Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd. *Family binoculars: the Family model name on binoculars has also been observed associated with Eikow and Vixen binoculars Family 15x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market) X Famous Tokyo 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, no manufacturer code *Fata Morgana binoculars: brand of Optische Werke Alfred Baumann, Cassel, Germany in 1920s X Fata Morgana 4x (4x12) IF binoculars all black, ME, “ ABC ” Alfred Baumann Cassel, Germany, ca 1920-1929 X Fata Morgana 4x (4x12) IF binoculars all black, ME, “ ABC ” serial number on prism cover variant X Fata Morgana 4x (4x12) IF binoculars gilded, ME, “ ABC ” Alfred Baumann Cassel Germany, ca 1920-1927 X Fata Morgana 4x (4x12) IF binoculars gilded, ME, “ ABC ”, with faux ivory lorgnette handle Germany, ca 1920-1927 X Fata Morgana 4x (4x12) IF binoculars all black, “ ABC ”, with black lorgnette handle Germany, ca 1920-1925 X Fata Morgana 4x (4x12) IF binoculars w/ Tatzenkreuz embellishment all silver, ME, Germany, ca 1919-1920 Fata Morgana 4x (4x12) IF binoculars w/ Circle embellishment Germany, ca 1919-1920 X Fata Morgana 4x (4x12) IF binoculars w/ Straw embellishment all silver, ME w/ faux ivory lorgnette handle ca 1919-1923 X Fata Morgana 4x (4x12) IF binoculars w/ Java Dutch East India dealer markings “ Ludwig Bünger ”, ‘ Bandoeng ”, “ Semarang ” X Fata Morgana 6x IF binoculars X (Fata Morgana) private branded “ Prinzess” IF binoculars all black, PE, Germany, ca 1927-1929 *FD binoculars are private branded binoculars for the Cambridge Mass USA camera shop F erranti- D ege Inc. X FD 7x18 CF “ Pointer ” binoculars All Black (these are private branded Swift Pointer binoculars with the private FD logo in place of the Swift logo) * FE binoculars marking= F ar E astern Sales Co 2251 West Pico Blvd. Los Angeles 6, Ca. X FE (Far Eastern ) 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code X FE (Far Eastern) 7x18 IF binoculars All Silver, no manufacturer code FE (Far Eastern) 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, “MIOJ” marked made in occupied Japan FEI 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil *Ferranti-Dege binoculars: Ferranti-Deige was a camera retailer in Harvard Square, Cambridge, Ma. 1953-2006 X Ferranti-Dege Pointer 7x18 CF binoculars All black JB001 /manufacturer Toa Kogaku Co. Ltd., ISI marking(Swift 7x18 Pointer binoculars contacted to be marked with the Ferranti Dege name) F.H.U. Rainbow 6x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, similar example dated to 1959) “ SIO” logo (European market) *Fieldmaster binoculars: the Feldmaster model name has been observed used on binoculars of the Linet, Imperial, Vesper, Nikon and Helios brands. The binoculars below may be associated with one of the first three. Fieldmaster 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil * Fisher Dietz binoculars were a brand used on a wide range of binoculars, opera glasses and scopes sold throughout Canada by a Canadian importer (so far unidentified). Warranty issues went to “Fisher Dietz Binoculars, Box 2210, St. Laurent Post Office, Montreal Ouebec H4L4YL. X Fisher-Dietz 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil JB001 /manufacturer Toa Kogaku Co. Ltd., Tokyo Fisher-Dietz 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Si FKK 6x15 IF binoculars All black * F.M. or F/M binoculars of various powers are sometimes marked SADES or S.A.D.E.S. , but meaning of any of these is unknown. F.M. DeLuxe 10x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil * Focal binoculars; US trademark # 72312306 was held by SS Kresge 1968-1977 with first use claimed in 1966, and then held by successor K Mart Corporation 1977-1991 Focal 10x50 binoculars All black X Focal 12x50 binoculars All black, PE, JB133 /mfgr Kamakura Koki Co. Ltd. X Focus De Luxe 7x15 CF binoculars, Blk/Sil, ME , ( Sweden market) Fokus 6x15 CF binoculars, Blk/Sil, ( Austria market) Fokus 10x25 CF binoculars, Blk/Sil, “ M type ” marked ( UK, Japan markets) X Fortuna 6x15 CF binoculars, PE, JE50 /metal parts mfgr mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo. Inc ( UK market) Four Star 10x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, box marked with “ ide ” logo brand name, ( Japan market) * F.P.O. binoculars marking= F uji P recision O ptics Frankfurt 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil *Frank Nipole binoculars were a brand of the Scottish trading co/ importer Charles Frank Ltd, Glasgow Scotland UK Frank Nipole 7x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (UK market) Frank Nipole 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (UK market) X Frank Nipole 8x25 CF binoculars Blk/SilPE, JB93 / Seiwa Kogaku JE84 /parts Oei Kogaku Co (UK mkt X Frank Nipole 10x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co. Ltd JE84 /parts Oei Kogaku Co. Ltd, (UK market) X Frank Nipole 12x50 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co. Ltd JE84 /parts Oei Kogaku Co. Ltd, (UK market) *Fuji binoculars; believed a brand of Fuji Photo Film Co Ltd. X Fuji Starlit 6x15 IF MIOJ binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code Fuji Starlit 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, Fuji 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Germany market) Fuji 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil *Fujicon binoculars: evocative of, but NOT associated with Fujifilm’s Fujinon brand Fujicon 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil *Fujiyama binoculars: Fujiyama Corp Ltd of Shatin New Provinces China (est 1975 in Japan) seems to be the successor to the company that distributed the following binoculars, and may be a part of Widex Import and Export, a camera equipment exporter. X Fujiyama 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil “NAOKI” marked, JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho (French market) Fujiyama 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB231 /mfgr Tochihara Optical Co. Ltd. Tokyo *Füllgrabe binoculars: see Fata Morgana binoculars, see also Optistar Binoculars X Fusco 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil “ MSK ” logo so Meiji Seiko Kogaku JE50 /parts Tanaka Koki Seisakujo (UK market) *Galaxie binoculars of various powers normally appear in Germany, and Galaxie binoculars are often marked in German (Vergütete Optik) thus representing Japanese binoculars specifically intended for sale in German language markets such as Germany and Austria, and perhaps Switzerland or Luxembourg. Distribution channels not known at this time. The logo on some “Galaxie” binoculars are indicated trade marked, but I have not found it on US, Canadian, UK, German, or EU trademark databases. Galaxie 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, (Europe market) Galaxie Jet 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, made in Macau China (Europe market) Galaxy 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil *Gemini binoculars: some Gemini binoculars have the logo marked “TM’’ but unable to find on US or UK trademark databases. The Garrett brand used “Gemini” as a model name, but probably subsequent to and unrelated to use as a brand name. Gemini 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, (UK market) X General 6x15 IF MIOJ binoculars Blk/Sil ME General 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil ME *Gerber binoculars are the product of the Australian NSW wholesale distributor of optical goods that uses the trading name Gerber Optical Supplies, who held Australian trademark # 318141 for Gerber for binoculars from 1978-1999 Gerber 8x20 CF binoculars Gerber 8x30 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Australia market) Gerber 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Australia market) X Gerber 10x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil “ K ” logo so Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo (Australia market) Ginza 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, RE X Ginza 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, RE , ( “ K ” logo so Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo UK market) *Glanz binoculars are believed a brand of Kanto Optical Co. ( Kantō Kōgaku Kabushiki Kaisha ) ( 関東光学株式会社 ) Distributed in the 1960’s in the UK by J.J. Silber Ltd, FVE Pty held an Australian trademark for Glanz for Photographic & Optical apparatus 1972-2027 (not known if relevant) X Glanz 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE , (variant 1) “ AKC ” logo Akebono Kogyo Co Glanz 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (variant 2) “MSC” marking: Meiji Seiko Co Glanz 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil * GLORY binoculars: claimed trademark (Japan?) of Katsuma Optical Co by Richard Reichert in “Binoculars & Scopes’ pub 1961 X Glory 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB001 /mfgrToa Kogaku Co. Ltd, JE50 /parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo Glory 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, “ MSC ” marked so Meiji Seiko Co. Ltd. (UK market) X Glory 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, (UK market) Glory Super 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, * G.M.C. binoculars marking = GMC Trading AG of Wallisellen, Switzerland ( G ujer & M ueli C o.) *GM binoculars might be a brand of outdoor retail chain Gander Mountain 1960-2017, who sold binoculars, but though they had 368 brands/trademarks GM, wasn’t specifically documented as used by them, so this is pure speculation. X GM Sportsman 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE JB001 /mfgrToa Kogaku Co. Ltd *Gold Crest binoculars: US trademark #72182953 owner Lenco, Inc. 2048 W. North Ave. Chicago 47, Illinois, USA 1963-1985 X Gold Crest 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB001 /mfgr Toa Kogaku Co. Ltd., JE7/ metal parts Nippon Kogaku Kogyo X Gold Crest 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co JE50 /parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo Gold Crest 10x40 CF binoculars Blk/Sil *Gold Cup binoculars: US trademark # 72214593 for Gold Cup for binoculars was held by Fred Meyer Inc., USA from 1965 to 1989 with first use claimed in 1960 X Gold Cup 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil X Gold Cup 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co JE50 /parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo X Gold Cup 8x28 CF binoculars Blk/Sil JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co. Ltd., Tokyo *Gold Star binoculars & Gold Star Minuette binoculars may be a product of Japanese firm Minato Shokai Co Ltd. Of 4-49 Sumiyoshi-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231 X Gold Star 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, ME, JE50 /parts mfgr Tanaka Koki Seisakujo Gold Star 7x18 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, Gold Star Minette 8x29 CF binoculars Blk/Sil X Golden Bantam 6x15 IF binoculars G old, ME, marked “ Kuroki ” so Kuroki Optical Instrument Co. Ltd , no mfgr code *Golden Gate binoculars: there is a somewhat plausible oral history that golden Gate binoculars were sold at the Crystal Palace megastore (1923-1959) in San Francisco in their sporting goods emporium. X Golden Gate 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, no manufacturer code X Golden Gate 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co, JE84 /parts mfgr Oei Kogaku Co. Ltd. Golden Gate 6x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil X Golden Gate 7x18 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, JB93 /mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co Golden Gate 10x20 IF binoculars Blk/Sil, JE7/ metal parts Nippon Kogaku Kogyo *Golden Lichter binoculars are a brand of Kanto Optical Co ( Kantō Kōgaku Kabushiki Kaisha ) ( 関東光学株式会社 ) X Golden Lichter 6x15 IF binoculars Gold color, ME, “ KOC ” marked, so Kuroki Optical Instrument Co. Ltd Golden Star 6x15 IF binoculars Gold color, ME, (Japan market) *G Patek binoculars are believed a brand of Toa Kogaku Ltd ./ 東亜光学株式会社 distributed on their own behalf G. Patek 6x15 IF binoculars Blk/Sil “ TOA ” marked so mfgr Toa Kogaku Co. Ltd. (Japan market) G. Patek 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil “ TOA ” marked so mfgr Toa Kogaku Co. Ltd. (Japan market) G. Patek 7x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market) G. Patek 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market) G. Patek 10x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil (Japan market) *Grand View binoculars: see also Hy-Score binoculars *Greenkat binoculars: UK trademark#842586 for Greenkat for optical apparatus 1962-1997owner was UK importer Greenkat Ltd GreenKat 6x15 CF binoculars Blk/Sil X GreenKat 8x20 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, RE , SSM, JB47 /mfgr Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho X GreenKat 8x25 CF binoculars Blk/Sil, PE , JB93 / mfgr Seiwa Kogaku Co Ltd (UK market) X GreenKat 10x40 CF binoculars JB231 /mfgr Tochihara Optical Co. Ltd. Tokyo (UK market) X GreenKat 12x50 CF binoculars (UK market) |